Bow Wow Was Arrested For Assaulting His Girlfriend

There will always be a part of me that thinks of Bow Wow as that little kid rapping with the the braids like “Awww. Look at little man!” Well, my perception has been forever altered because he’s not a little boy anymore. Now he’s a whole lady abusing adult. Allegedly. However, his on/off girlfriend, Kiyomi Leslie, is not here for the beat down games. She allegedly likes to throw hands as well, and on Saturday morning the two of them got into a fight that landed both of them in handcuffs.

TMZ reports that Bow Wow and Kiyomi, who both appear on one of my least favorite shows Growing Up Hip Hop, attended a party on Friday night in Atlanta. By the time they left early Saturday morning, Bow Wow was angry because Kiyomi spent the evening talking to another man. When they got home at around 4am, he allegedly expressed his displeasure with her actions by hitting her. There’s different stories as to what happened.

Bow Wow claims that Kiyomi threw a lamp then scratched up his face after he calmly asked her to leave. Kiyomi, whose real name is Leslie Holden, claims that’s bullshit and Bow Wow immediately began kicking her when they got home like the little angry leprechaun he is.

In the police report, obtained by TMZ, Leslie says Bow Wow hit her in the head, pulled her by the hair, dragged her from her bedroom … and told her to get the hell out.

For his part, Bow Wow acknowledged being pissed about the other guy … telling cops she “disrespected him” by hanging “all over another man’s body.” He claims Leslie called him a “bitch ass n***er” when he complained about her behavior.

He claims he merely told Leslie to leave their home, and placed her bags by the door. He claims Leslie “grabbed a night stand lamp and threw it at him.” He says she missed with the lamp, but scratched the hell out of his face … which is obvious in his mug shot.

An officer on the scene says he saw the lamp on the ground when he entered the bedroom. Cops observed red marks on Leslie’s fingers as well as broken fingernails.

Since cops couldn’t determine who the true aggressor was, Bow Wow and Kiyomi, who claims three of her ribs were broken during the fight, were both arrested and have since been released.

When you feel the need to throw hands during an argument, it’s time to run across the highway to a better life like Angela Bassett did in What’s Love Got To Do With It. That said, I’m going to use my extra sharp Detective La Toya powers of deduction to guess that this fight was probably fueled by lots of booze because Bow Wow’s face tells the story. One thing’s for sure, I bet Lil Mama wishes she was there because she promised Bow Wow a complimentary slap to the face a while ago. At least Kiyomi knows she’s got back up just in case he tries this shit again.

Pics: Fulton County Sheriff’s Office

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