Azealia Banks and Grimes Will Be Served Subpoenas In Class-Action Lawsuit Against Elon Musk

Elon Musk has been going through it. He was charged with securities fraud and had to step down as chairman of his Tesla, also broke up with his girlfriend, and remember he called that cave rescuer a pedo? Oh yeah, and stock prices for Tesla plummeted when he smoked weed with uber bro, Joe Rogan. All in all, he’s giving a pretty good showing if he’s trying to show us how badly he can fuck up. And the bad news keeps coming, as it’s now being reported Tesla investors are going after Elon for his “funding secured” tweet and they are looking to Grimes and Azealia Banks for all the hot tea.

Remember how Azealia Banks was at Elon Musk’s house that one time waiting for Grimes and it turned into this whole thing because she claims she was revealing super secret business information which Elon was hiding? Yeah, that’s still a real life situation with lasting reverb effects. After Azealia said that Elon was “scrounging for investors” she became a part of the legal narrative surrounding Tesla, its investors and Elon.

Business Insider says Azealia, along with Grimes and the publications Gizmodo, The New York Times and Business Insider themselves, are all going to be served subpoenas asking they “preserve information” which may be relevant to the court case. The Tesla investors who are going after Elon believe Grimes and Azealia have all the details in their DMs and they want to check them out. Adam Apton, who works for Levi & Korinsky, the legal firm representing the investors, tells Business Insider he plans on serving everyone their corresponding papers after the US District Court of Northern California grants the motion on Tuesday. However, the motion exclusively calls for them to “refrain from destroying” evidence but does not directly call for them to provide the evidence in court.

Earlier this month, Adam Apton told Business Insider:

“Ms. Boucher and Ms. Banks were in close contact with Mr. Musk before and after the tweet and are believed to be in possession of relevant evidence concerning Mr. Musk’s motives… Business Insider also appears to have relevant evidence in light of its relationship with Ms. Banks.”

This is all part of a class-action lawsuit which claims Elon made “false and misleading statements” when he was tweeting about his $420 share price and taking the company private. They allege that the tweet “negatively affected” people who went out and purchased stock after he made the announcement. I don’t understand stocks and whatever, but if someone is selling stocks at $420 I’m assuming that shit’s a prank. What reasonable businessman would price stock purely for the stoner reference? Not many.

What a trip… This girl can’t release an album but she can take down one of the wealthiest CEOs in modern history. Elon should have had Azealia make one of her protection amulets for douchebros when she was at his house, because he really needs it. Guess we know who’ll be drowning his sorrows in Teslaquila this weekend.


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