Yellowstone National Park tourists’ sleds speed away as bison charges

There’s snow escape! Worried tourists on snowmobiles have to speed away as a 2,000lb BISON charges at them in Yellowstone National Park

  • A 2,000lb bison charges at nine snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park
  • Terrified tourists are forced to dodge the huge animal as it runs towards them
  • One driver has to circle round the beast when it stands in front of their sled 

A crazed bison charges at nine snowmobiles who have to dodge the 2,000lbs animal before speeding away.

In this scary video a bison picks a fight with snowmobiles making their way up a snowy track in Yellowstone National Park, U.S.

The bison is filmed from a snow coach as it walks along the side of a wide snow covered track in the national park. 

Suddenly the animal starts to pick up speed and charge towards three snowmobiles  driving on the opposite side of the road.

The bison crosses in front of the coach and heads straight towards the snowmobiles as the drivers are forced to pick up speed to get away.

But more sleds kept on driving forward and as soon as the bison thinks he has run a snowmobile out of the area more keep appearing.

The bison charges at the snowmobiles as they pass on the left hand side of the snow coach

At the end of the video the bison looks menacingly at the snow coach as the driver fears the beast will charge at the bus next

A total of nine motor sleds pass the bison as it turns and charges as each set attempt to drive along the road.

And in a particularly scary moment the driver of sled seven is forced to think on their feet as they find the bison directly in front of them.

Turning to the right the driver eases their way around the huge animal before throwing his foot down on the accelerator and speeding away.

One brave driver is forced to turn to the right in an effort to move around the animal, but the bison begins to charge

At the end of the clip the bison turns towards the bus almost looking as if he would charge at the larger vehicle next.

And the driver says ‘he’s looking at us’ before a passenger tells him there are more snowmobiles.

The driver says ‘good’ relieved his bus will not be the next target of the aggressive horned bison. 

Picking up speed: The bison lifts the snow up around its feet as it springs into a charge

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