Woman spends fortune on lip filler to triple pout – and wants to go even bigger

A young woman who has spent thousands on 15 procedures to triple the size of her lips says she wants to go even bigger.

Andrea Emilova Ivanova said her new pout has left her feeling happier and more content with herself.

But she wants to have the biggest lips in the world.

The 22-year-old, from Sofia, Bulgaria, has visited dozens of clinics for her lip filler procedures, the Daily Star reports.

In a bid to be more “fashionable”, Andrea has gone under the needle 15 times, paying out around £135 per treatment.

The Bulgarian said: “I like my lips now, more than before and I feel very good and happy with my new lips, because according to me with bigger lips I look prettier and in [my country] this is fashion now.

"I have visited almost all clinics for aesthetic procedures in [the capital] Sofia and I put in my lips almost all kinds of lips fillers: Princess Volume, Princess Filler, Hyaluronica Vital Esthetique, Apriline Forte, Revolax Deep and Teosyal.

“I didn't count the money for these procedures, I don't know exactly how much money have I spent on my lips, but 1ml of hyaluronic acid is a standard 300 Lev (£135) in Bulgaria.”

Andrea started an Instagram page posting selfies and has gained over 15,000 followers.

She secures dozens of comments from fans complimenting the size of her lips.

And she says she has even received marriage proposals on the social media platform.

But Andrea has also received backlash from users who criticise her aesthetic procedures.

Andrea added: “I get thousands of messages of compliments on my lips and on my outfit, and on my vision and style everyday from people all over the world.

“I have both positive and negative comments, but women write most of the negative comments.”

Despite that, Andrea says she refuses to care what people think of her lips.

“There are people who like me with bigger lips and there are people who like me with smaller lips but it doesn't matter to me,” she continued.

“Other people’s opinion are irrelevant. Each person's lips are different and each person has an individual restriction on enlargement, how many millilitres of filler can the lips endure.

“I can't give any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each person: ‘big, bigger and too big’ are different concepts.

“I'm broad-minded and I think people should be free to choose, which one is for them big, bigger or too big. There are no boundaries for me.”

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