Vatican’s women’s magazine condemns sexual abuse of nuns by priests

Vatican’s women’s magazine condemns sexual abuse of nuns by priests and the resulting ‘scandal’ of religious sisters having abortions

  • The latest issue of Women Church World has slammed priests for their abuse
  • They cite Pope Francis’ own analysis and said clerics hold power which corrupts
  • The report said nuns had been silenced for decades after priests abused them
  • Nuns had abortions and priests refused to acknowledge their own children

The Vatican’s women’s magazine has condemned sexual abuse of nuns by priests and the ‘scandal’ of the sisters having abortions.

The most recent issue of Women Church World – distributed along with the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano – made an explosive attack on clerics.

They cited Pope Francis’ own analysis and blamed the power held by priests for being the root of the problem.  

It said nuns have been silenced for years for fear of retaliation against them or their orders if they report the priests who abused them.

Pope Francis greeting nuns at his weekly general audience in the Pablo VI Hall at the Vatican on Wednesday – there is no suggestion these nuns are involved in the scandal

Lucetta Scaraffia, editor in chief of Women Church World, wrote that for centuries the church had depicted women as ‘dangerous temptresses’ which enabled priests to carry out abuse

Not only were these victims forced to have abortions, but if they had their baby it would be treated as illegitimate and never acknowledged by the priest who sired it. 

The publication marks a significant public acknowledgement from inside the Vatican of a problem the Holy See has long known about but has done next to nothing to address.

Last year, after reports of the scandal, the international association of women’s religious orders urged sisters to report abuse to police and their superiors.

In the article, editor Lucetta Scaraffia notes that for centuries women in the church have been depicted as ‘dangerous and temptresses’, which has prevented them from coming forward.

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She wrote: ‘But here Pope Francis’s analysis about abuse can be of some help: If you point to power, to clericalism, the abuse against religious sisters takes on another aspect and can finally be recognised for what it is: that is an act of power in which touch becomes a violation of one’s personal intimacy.’

The article noted that reports written by religious sisters were presented to Vatican officials in the 1990s about the problem of priests sexually abusing nuns in Africa – they were considered ‘safe’ partners at the height of the HIV crisis.

While little or nothing changed, sisters from the developing world and also wealthier countries are beginning to denounce their abuse as part of an overall demand for greater power for women in the church – part of the #MeToo reckoning.

‘If the church continues to close its eyes to the scandal – made even worse by the fact that abuse of women brings about procreation and is therefore at the origin of forced abortions and children who aren’t recognised by priests – the condition of oppression of women in the church will never change,’ Ms Scaraffia wrote. 

Pope Francis arriving in Panama City during a visit to Panama last week, Women Church World cited his analysis of the corrupting power which could be bestowed by priesthood

Women Church World, which is published in Italian, French and Spanish, last year made headlines with an issue devoted to ‘work’ and an article denouncing how nuns are often treated like indentured servants by cardinals and bishops, for whom they cook and clean for next to no pay.

The current edition was dedicated to the sense of ‘touch’ and how it can be perverted.

In an opening editorial, one of Italy’s leading Jewish intellectuals, Anna Foa, said the abuse scandal had transformed that most fundamental aspect of love – the caress – ‘into an expression in and of itself suspect and practically obscene’.

Ms Foa also cites Francis’s own words in ‘thanking journalists who were honest and objective in discovering predator priests and made the voices of victims heard’.

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