Trump Faces ‘End Of His Presidency’ If He Caves On Border Wall Funding, Senator Lindsey Graham Says

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News Wednesday night, and got bold in sharing his opinions about President Donald Trump, the wall funding, and the current government shutdown. Graham said that the believes the president needs to stand strong on this shutdown, noting that giving in could be catastrophic for his presidency.

Trump is demanding that he get $5 billion in wall money in order to sign a spending bill that would also reopen the government. So far, however, he’s been unsuccessful in getting enough people on board. Control of the House of Representatives shifts to the Democrats as of Thursday, and incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she will not budge on giving Trump the money he demands.

How will this standoff be resolved — and how long will it continue? Right now, nobody knows.

Sen. Lindsey Graham shared with Hannity that he can tell everybody exactly how this will end. As Mediaite details, Graham said that Trump won’t sign a bill that doesn’t have the money he wants for the wall. He added that the president will push for a compromise from the Democrats, and the South Carolina senator says that the Democrats will run into trouble with the American people if they don’t come to terms with Trump’s demands.

In addition, Graham said that Trump can’t back down now.

“If he gives in now, that’s the end of 2019 in terms of him being an effective president. That’s probably the end of his presidency.”

Graham’s take is that the president promised the American people he would take care of what he says is a critical issue with the border. Wednesday night, the South Carolina politician said that Trump will make it happen, even though it’s difficult for anybody to see how — given he current standoff.

As the segment ended, Graham could also be heard saying that this would be the end of “us” as Republicans if they give in on this funding. He noted that he hopes Mitt Romney — and everybody else — understands that this is a fight that is worth having.

Per the Inquisitr, the reference to Romney comes after the newly-elected senator for Utah wrote a scathing opinion piece for the Washington Post, one that has left many rattled about what lies ahead for Trump and his agenda.

Newsweek notes that at this point, the Democrats have offered $1.6 billion in border security funding, but they say they will not provide money for the wall. Which side will ultimately cave on this funding issue in order to reopen the government? If President Donald Trump does give in on his $5 billion demand, is it essentially the end of his presidency as Sen. Lindsey Graham predicts?

Answers are elusive at this point, and people across the country are watching to see how Trump and Congress resolve this standoff.

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