Trump boosts his unemployment executive order after four states sign up

President Trump heaped praise Saturday on the four states that have jumped on his plan to extend extra unemployment benefits to those made jobless by the coronavirus pandemic.

“Great work by the Governors of AZ, IA, LA, and NM who responded to my Executive Action and promptly submitted applications, that we APPROVED QUICKLY, to support Americans out of work because of the ChinaVirus,” Trump tweeted, referring to the coronavirus.

Trump signed an executive order this week authorizing an additional $300 of federal funds a week to people who have lost their jobs due to coronavirus shutdowns — doing an end-run around a deadlocked Congress after its first pandemic relief bill expired.

The extra cash will be paid out of the budget of the Federal Emergency Management Agency — which Trump directs. But states must apply for the benefit, under FEMA’s rules.

“More states to come!” Trump promised.

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