Terrifying moment grumpy python suddenly lashes out at snake catcher

Terrifying moment a grumpy python suddenly lashes out at a snake catcher and almost sinks its fangs into the camera

  • Grumpy coastal carpet python filmed striking at a snake handler near Brisbane 
  • The snake was being relocated to safer area when it suddenly lashed out 
  • From a coiled up position the 12kg python suddenly attacked the camera 

A grumpy python was filmed striking at a snake catcher’s camera as he tried to relocate the creature. 

The three-metre-long coastal carpet python, weighing more than 12 kilograms, lashed out during an attempt to move it near Brisbane, Queensland.  

The python can be seen coiled up as filming begins but within five seconds strikes at the camera with incredible speed.

This is the terrifying moment a coastal carpet python strikes at the camera of a snake handler after it was relocated near Brisbane, Queensland

As the clip ends the python falls right back into its pre-strike pose to continue to warn the handler off.  

Carpet pythons are spread across northern, eastern and southern Australia and while they are non-venomous their bites can cause large and deep lacerations.

A tetanus shot is also recommended to anyone who is bitten by a coastal carpet python. 

Coastal carpet pythons are between two and four metres in size, and mostly move around at night after basking in the sun during the day. 

The largest coastal carpet python recorded to date was 4.2 metres in length and the species is the most commonly encountered snake in south-east Queensland.  

While coastal carpet pythons are non-venomous their bites can still cause wide and deep lacerations and people who are bitten are urged to also get a tetanus shot

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