Supreme Court rules against halting Trump border wall after critics said it was an 'improper use' of Defense funds

THE SUPREME Court ruled against haling construction ofPresident Donald Trump's border wall with Mexico.

On Friday, the Supreme Court decided to let construction of the border wall continue in a 5-4 vote.

According to the Associated Press, the four justices that dissented said they would have prohibited construction while a court challenges continues following a recent ruling that the administration improperly diverted money into the project.

Last year, the Supreme Court was split in a 5-4 vote allowing the administration to begin construction of the wall with $2.5billion from the Defense Department.

In June, a federal appeals court ruled the administration illegally sidestepped Congress.

Giving the recent ruling, several opposers of the wall including American Civil Liberties Union and the Sierra Club requested the construction be halted.

"The fight continues,” Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project, said, according to Fox News. “Every lower court to consider the question has ruled President Trump's border wall illegal, and the Supreme Court’s temporary order does not decide the case. We’ll be back before the Supreme Court soon to put a stop to Trump’s xenophobic border wall once and for all.”

The AP reported that the ACLU has said it will "seek to tear down" parts of the wall built with the money that was improperly diverted to the project.

The Supreme Court will resume hearing cases after their summer break in October.

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