Stepfather of Amber Peat to ‘make documentary to prove he’s a victim’

Stepfather of ‘Cinderella schoolgirl’ Amber Peat, 13, who was found hanged in woodland claims HE is the victim and will ‘make documentary to prove it’

  • Danny Peat was slammed by coroner for emotionally abusing angelic schoolgirl
  • Amber was found hanged in a bush in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, in June 2015
  • Danny made youngster get out of bed at 10.30pm and scrub pans as punishment 
  • Coroner: ‘There’s evidence Danny was compulsive liar, gambler who used drugs’
  • He said: ‘It’s disgusting the way I have been portrayed in all this. The documentary is the only way I have to clear my name’

The stepfather of Amber Peat has announced he plans to make a documentary to ‘prove to the world he is blameless’ in the 13-year-old schoolgirl’s death.

Danny Peat plans to appear on television in a bid to ‘clear his name’, claiming he has been portrayed as the ‘evil stepdad.’ 

It comes after a coroner today delivered an excoriating judgment on how Amber was emotionally abused by her cruel step-father and mother following a month-long inquest at Nottingham Coroner’s Court.  

Danny Peat – tragic Amber’s stepfather – has announced he plans to make a documentary to ‘prove to the world he is blameless’ in the 13-year-old schoolgirl’s death

Amber’s tragic life was laid bare in her inquest where the coroner listed 11 missed opportunities to save her

The 13-year-old ‘Cinderella schoolgirl’ was found hanged in a bush in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, on June 2, 2015 – three days after she disappeared when Mr Peat told her to ‘scrub every pot and pan in the house’.

Speaking to The Sun, Danny Peat said: ‘Because of what people have made up, the finger has always been pointed at me as the evil stepdad who virtually marched Amber out of the house and let her die.

‘It’s disgusting the way I have been portrayed in all this. The documentary is the only way I have to clear my name.’

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Months earlier she had tightened a tie around her neck and said: ‘I hate my life. I want to kill myself’ and there were other examples of self-harm – but her parents wrote it off as attention-seeking, her inquest was told.

Assistant Coroner Laurinda Bower aid there was evidence that Danny Peat was ‘a compulsive liar, gambling with the use of drugs’ and believed this ‘should have triggered safeguarding coverage by Derbyshire health services.’

The 13-year-old’s mother Kelly Peat and Danny (both pictured yesterday at court) were slammed by a coroner for emotionally abusing the youngster

Experts said she had been ’emotionally abused’ at home and subjected to a series of draconian punishments, sometimes in the middle of the night, by Mr Peat.

Amber’s mother Kelly Peat and stepfather Danny Peat insisted the accusations were lies, but were described as ‘not concerned in the slightest’ about Amber’s welfare by the coroner. 

In 2014 Danny was jailed for 16 months for tax fraud – something Amber told teachers was a ‘big secret’ in the family home – and received a suspended sentence for animal cruelty three years earlier after a pet rabbit was found starved to death in its hutch at the house where he was then staying. 

Kelly Peat, and stepfather Danny Peat appeal for missing Amber to come home before she was found dead in 2015

The family did not report Amber missing until they had ‘been to Tesco and had their tea’. Pictured above the missing poster which was put up once it had been reported that Amber was missing 

Three days before she was found death Amber stormed out of her house after a row with mother Kelly Peat and step-father over cleaning out a cool box following a holiday to Cornwall. 

The couple failed to report her missing for eight hours after going to the supermarket, out for dinner and to the car wash.

Amber believed her parents ‘cared more for their dog’ than her before she died, it was claimed. 

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