Spanish cyclist rescued after trying to ride across Siberia in -58F

Spanish cyclist is rescued after trying to ride across Siberia in -58F temperatures after he is found suffering frostbite in thin ‘summer tent’

  • Cyclist Jose Pajares discovered camped in thin tent on a freezing mountain side 
  • Found in dangerous conditions after leaving Magadan Siberia on bike this month
  • Taken to hospital with frostbite to his hands and ‘could have died’ if not found
  • Stuck in Siberia for New Year as flights which run four times a week are all full

A Spanish cyclist had to be rescued by locals after he was found trying to cross Siberia in -50C temperatures.

Jose Andres Abian Pajares, originally from Zaragoza, was discovered camped in a thin summer tent on a mountain pass in the Kolyma region of Russia during freezing conditions.

Three residents took him to hospital in the town of Susuman, 248 miles (400 km) north of Magadan where he set off from earlier this month on his bicycle, as he was said to be suffering from frostbite to his hands. 

Officials from the town told the state-run RIA Novosti news agency that he ‘could have died’ had he not been found by the passers by. 

Mr Pajares flew from Moscow to Magadan in order to cycle to Lake Baikal near Irkutsk some 2,894 miles (4,657km) away and document the trip on his around the world blog of his travels. 

Jose Pajares (centre) with two of the men who found him camped in a thin tent in -58F temperatures in Siberia

Mr Pajares (pictured), who documented on his blog his travels around the world on his bike, suffered frostbite to his hands and was taken to hospital 

The 47-year-old’s blog follows his adventures on his bike in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Spain, Iceland, Romanian and Morocco. 

He was found on Monday by the men, who named him Marcus, and is likely to have to stay in Russia over the New Year as there are no flights out of the area until January. 

A video posted on Instagram showed the men spotting the small red tent at the side of the snow-covered road and, with a bike outside, before opening the door to find Mr Pajares inside.

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One of the men can be seen laughing as they approach his tent, then talk to Mr Pajares as he pokes his head out of the small tent. 

One of the rescuers, who gave his name as Vakha told the news website: ‘The administration contacted Magadan to buy Marcus tickets since they couldn’t buy anything for the nearest dates, there were no tickets.’ 

The cyclist will have to spend the New Year in the remote area of Siberia as there are no seats available on flights out of the region until January 

Mr Pajares was found in his thin tent and poked his head out to speak to three locals who found him on a mountain pass 

The regional airport said all flights to Moscow, which run four times a week, have been booked until early January. 

State-run TASS news agency quoted an unnamed Magadan official as saying: ‘We have no plane tickets to Moscow. We won’t be able to buy them until January, probably.

‘It looks like the guy didn’t have a good understanding of what the frosts in Kolyma are like.’

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