Schumer’s Hail Mary bid to save Dems’ disastrous impeachment drive

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer knows his House colleagues bungled their “impeachment inquiry” so badly that they managed to shift public opinion markedly against removing the president. So he’s hoping for a do-over.

That’s the essence of Schumer’s butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth proposals for the Senate trial: He’s asking the GOP Senate majority to do what the House Democratic majority opted not to do, namely try to get some more White House documents and compel testimony from witnesses, including acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and former National Security Adviser John Bolton.

In other words: do more fishing in hopes of getting something that might damage President Trump.

House Democrats admitted they were in too much of a rush to try acquiring the evidence Schumer now hopes for, and insisted it wasn’t necessary. The Intelligence Committee’s report says: “The evidence of the President’s misconduct is overwhelming, and so too is the evidence of his obstruction of Congress,” and the Judiciary Committee report is just as confident.

And it’s the House’s job to provide the prosecutors for the Senate trial. Schumer is simply supposed to be part of the jury, along with the other 99 senators — and jurors don’t decide the witness list. If he thought more witnesses would be needed, he should’ve been on the phone to Nancy Pelosi & Co. weeks ago.

Nice try, Chuck, but it’s not the Senate’s job to dig House Democrats out of the disaster their partisan zeal led them into.

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