Russian trainee doctor jailed for acid attacks on three teen girls

Moment trainee doctor is arrested for disfiguring three teenage girls in random sulphuric acid attacks that rocked a Russian town

  • Shamil Chaparov, 20, threw acid over three schoolgirls in Budyonnovsk, Russia
  • Cycling trainee doctor splashed girls aged 14, 15 and 16 after demanding money
  • All three victims needed plastic surgery after the two separate horrific attacks
  • Critics outraged by sentence of five years after prosecutors demanded 17 years

A trainee doctor has been jailed this week for five years for disfiguring three schoolgirls in sulphuric acid attacks.

Shamil Chaparov, 20, splashed his victims leaving them ‘shrieking’ in pain from burning skin as he rode past on a bicycle wearing a hoodie and a medical mask.

The girls – then aged 14, 15 and 16 – suffered ‘grave’ and ‘moderate’ chemical burns in the incidents in September 2018.

The vicious attacks in Budyonnovsk, Russia, left the town in ‘panic’ and the medical student has been detained after the DNA of 2,000 local males was analysed.

He splashed acid into the face of one girl then three days later did the same to two other teenagers.

Shamil Chaparov being arrested after the DNA of 2,000 males in Budyonnovsk, Russia, was analysed by police following the ‘random’ acid attacks

One of the teenage victims name in the Russian media as Polina E. Chaparov was jailed for five years for the attack on her and two other teenage girls 

Video footage captured the moment police overpowered the trainee doctor on his bicycle as he left his studies at a medical college. 

Chaparov had ‘no reason’ for the random attacks, said the Russian Investigative Committee.

Prosecutors are reported to have demanded a 17-year jail term and there has been criticism of the five-year penal colony sentence.

Critics said he should have been ‘sentenced to an acid bath’, with one posting online: ‘He should be subjected to exactly what he did to others.’

Chaparov’s genetic fingerprint was found on the bottle used in the attack, say law enforcement sources.

A video shows him handcuffed on the ground as police search after police detained him on his bike.

One of the victims, named as Lena, said: ‘We thought he was weird.’ 

He rode up to victims on his bike, demanded money, and when they said they did not have any, threw acid in their faces.

Police detained Shamil Chaparov over the two separate acid attacks on three girls within three days in the Russian town of Budyonnovsk

The acid attack suspect was captured on CCTV as he cycled in the town of Budyonnovsk

Witness Svetlana, a hairdresser, said: ‘We saw how skin started burning off her arm. We called the ambulance straight away.’

Natalia Kozlova, a shop assistant, who tried to wash off the acid, said: ‘Her left side was all brown. She was shrieking in agony.

‘She screamed: it’s all painful, everything’s burning. Her left arm was badly injured. Her hair was boiling hot, they say it fell out later.

Prosecutors reportedly demanded a 17-year jail term for Chaparov and there has been criticism of the five-year penal colony sentence he received 

‘Her T-shirt also fell into pieces in my hand while I was washing her. Most likely her back was injured.

‘Her lips turned into white bubbles and then exploded, skin on her arm peeled off exposing her flesh.’

‘It was impossible to look at her, we were crying with her. An ambulance arrived first, then her mum. When she saw what was done to her child she also needed medical help.’

All three victims needed plastic surgery after the horrific attacks.

Russian interior ministry spokeswoman Irina Volk said 1,000 people with criminal records were checked during the investigation.

Those who had undergone drugs and psychiatric treatment were also investigated.

In all, the DNA of 2,000 males was analysed, said reports and police also studied all possible CCTV footage.

‘As a result of this work, the suspect was located and identified,’ she said.

A female medical student classmate said Chaparov was ‘calm and balanced’.

‘He never had any aggression,’ she said.

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