Pro-Palestine groups rally in NYC's Times Square

Jewish counter-protestors face off with hundreds of Palestinian backers who descended on NYC’s Times Square as Hamas continues assault on Israel

  • Protesters gathered with megaphones and yellow signs reading: ‘Resistance against occupation is a human right’ and ‘end all US aid to apartheid Israel’
  • Yesterday, Gov. Hochul described the rally as abhorrent and morally repugnant after Hamas militants invaded Israel and slaughtered hundreds of citizens 

A counter-protest has erupted in New York City’s Times Square after pro-Palestinian groups gathered to rally – just one day after terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israel, leaving hundreds of civilians dead.  

Irate demonstrators waving Israeli flags clashed with hundreds of seething placard-clad protesters – who rallied together at 1pm on Sunday in Manhattan’s Midtown. 

New York is the city with the largest Jewish population in the world. 

‘How can you support this! F***ing murderers!’ one man screamed – as a clamorous group of over 300 people chanted ‘free Palestine’ during the demo.

As the Palestinian faction in Times Square swelled, a group of Israeli protesters began to form – waving flags in retaliation from behind a metal fence. 

One man charged towards the Palestinian group but was immediately intercepted and escorted away by a cop. There is a heavy NYPD presence at the scene.

Swathes of pro-Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets of Manhattan on Sunday following rocket attacks, pillaging, and murders on the streets of Israel over the weekend. Hamas, the terrorist organization and de facto rulers of the Gaza Strip, ambushed and killed hundreds of Israelis during their high holiday 

Skirmishes have broken out in New York City ‘s Times Square as pro-Palestinian groups gather rally – after Hamas attacked Israel leaving more than 900 dead

An angry bystander already clashed with placard-clad protesters who rallied together at 1pm on Sunday in Manhattan’s Midtown. New York is the city with the largest Jewish population in the world

Pro-Israeli protesters joined the counter-protest on Sunday in NYC

There is a heavy police presence in New York’s Time Square today – as pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of Midtown after Hamas launched surprise attacks on Israel 

Pro-Palestinian protesters continued to chant ‘resistance is justified’ into the afternoon – as a sea of signs and posters took over Times Square

So far, protesters have gathered with megaphones and yellow signs reading: ‘Resistance against occupation is a human right’ and ‘end all US aid to apartheid Israel’.

Demonstrators planned to take over Times Square – the social and symbolic epicenter of New York – just one day after Israeli women and children were dragged from their homes and slaughtered by Palestinian militants. 

American citizens are among the dead and captured, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. The total number of fatalities has reached 900. 

On Sunday, protesters waving Palestinian flags on 42nd Street chanted: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.’ 

In response, Israeli demonstrators shouted back: ‘Shame on you!’

New Yorker Claudia De La Cruz, 42, a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, told ‘We’re here in solidarity with the Palestinians understanding that for more than 70 years they have been victims of abuses by the Israel colonial state.

‘Their lands have been occupied, their people have been displaced, there have been several bombings of the Gaza Strip.’

Hundreds of people took over Times Square to protest on Sunday

There were a number of NYPD officers on the scene – as tensions rose in Times Sqaure

The death toll in the Middle East has nearly reached 1,000

A woman waves an Israeli as part of the counter-protest on Sunday

‘How can you support this! F***ing murderers!’ one man screamed – as a raucous group of around 300 people chanted ‘free Palestine ‘ during the demo

Demonstrators planned to take over Times Square – the social and cultural epicenter of New York – just one day after Israeli women and children were dragged from their homes and slaughtered by Palestinian militants

One woman holds up a sign: ‘Zionism is terrorism.’ The total number of fatalities in the Middle East has reached 900

New York’s Gov. Hochul condemned the protest yesterday – but it still went ahead this afternoon

As the Palestinian faction in Times Square swelled, a group of Israeli protesters began to form – waving flags in retaliation from behind a metal fence

Protesters hold up handmade signs in Times Square on Sunday 

On Sunday, protesters waving Palestinian flags on 42nd Street chanted: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

Pro-Palestinian protesters chanted ‘resistance is justified’ 

She added: ‘We know that everyone who is living under colonial rule and who is repressed has the right to self defense and that is what we’re seeing now.’

When asked whether she considered the Hamas killings as ‘self defense’, Ms De La Cruz said: ‘(We support) self defense in any way, shape or form.’

She blasted the Democrats for funding ‘apartheid’ in Israel.

When asked about New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s condemnation of their protest, she said: ‘Of course they (Democrats) are going to condemn what they are calling terrorism when we know the United States is aiding terrorism against Palestinians.

‘This is not an anti-Semitism type of thing, we’re not against the Jewish community – we’re against Zionism which is a whole different type of thing.’

The death toll in Israel is only expected to rise, now that the IDF have launched a fierce counter offensive 

Hundreds of people descended on Times Square on Sunday – a day after atrocities took place in Israel 

The Israeli protesters started shouting ‘terrorists’ towards the pro-Palestinian faction 

One protester holds up the sign: ‘Free Palestine’ 

Israeli-American dual national David Needle, 23, told that he has family and friends who have been caught up in the attacks in Israel.

He has friends who were attending the peace party that he has not been able to get in contact with since the ambush.

Needle said on the streets of Manhattan: ‘This is not something that is shockingly new. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

‘How is this self defense? How is abducting an elderly woman and other people that aren’t soldiers helping in your defense? 

‘You haven’t defended yourself, you haven’t helped yourself at all.

‘Why is killing civilians increasing your freedom?’ 

Pro-Palestinian protesters continued to chant ‘resistance is justified’ into the afternoon – as a sea of signs and posters took over Times Square.

People holding Israeli flags shouted back ‘terrorists!’ while police manned the gap in between the two demonstrator groups.  

A poster for the rally occurring on Sunday at 1pm, following the Hamas attack on Israel 

Yesterday, Gov. Hochul described the rally as abhorrent and morally repugnant after Hamas militants invaded Israel and slaughtered hundreds of citizens. 

She wrote: ‘The people of Israel are facing violent terrorist attacks and civilian kidnappings. I condemn plans to rally in Times Square tomorrow in support of the perpetrators of these horrific actions.

‘The planned rally is abhorrent and morally repugnant.’ 

NYC Mayor Eric Adams, who is on a vanity tour of South America to discourage migrants from crossing the border, condemned the attacks in Israel. 

There is an estimated 1.6million Jewish people living in New York City – half of whom reside in Brooklyn. 

One of the Americans caught up in the tragedies unfolding in Israel is Hersh Golberg-Polin – a 23-year-old born in Berkeley, California.

Golberg-Polin sent his mother and father a text reading ‘I love you, I’m sorry’ at 8.11am on Saturday – as callous Palestinian militants declared war on Israel, took dozens of people as hostage and killed hundreds during the Jewish high holiday.

He was attending an all-night ‘nature party’ near Kibbutz Re’im – not far from the Gaza Strip. The rave was infiltrated and ambushed by Palestinian terrorists.

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