Prince William signs up Harry Kane to help with his charity work

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Prince William signs up England captain Harry Kane to help with his charity work

When England were defeated in the semi-finals of the World Cup last summer, Prince William declared that he ‘couldn’t be more proud’ and told the team to ‘hold your heads high’.

Now, the Duke of Cambridge is hoping to use England’s captain, Harry Kane, as his ‘secret weapon’ to help good causes close to his heart.

I learn that William held private talks at his London residence, Kensington Palace, this week with the Tottenham Hotspur striker.

‘Harry was honoured to be invited — and rather surprised,’ one of the footballer’s friends tells me.

Private talks: Harry and the Prince

William and Prince Harry have helped change public attitudes to mental health with their Heads Together campaign to tackle the stigma that surrounds such illness.

It is understood that the Prince would like Kane to add his star power to similar future campaigns.

Since William took over as president of the Football Association from his uncle, Prince Andrew, in 2006, he has taken a hands-on approach to the role. A keen Aston Villa fan, he got behind the ill-starred drive to have England stage the 2018 World Cup finals.

A Kensington Palace spokesman confirms that William’s talks with Kane took place, saying: ‘The Duke was meeting the captain of the England team in his capacity as president of the FA.’ The spokesman declines to comment on what was discussed in the private meeting.

 A Valentine’s baby for Ashley Hicks and his estranged wife

Prince Philip’s godson Ashley Hicks is estranged from his American fashionista wife, Kata de Solis, but he received the perfect Valentine’s Day gift nevertheless.

Kata gave birth on Tuesday to their second child, left — and she made sure to give him the middle name Valentine. His full title will be Horatio Valentine Christopher Alessandro Hicks.

Kata also has a one-year-old son, Caspian, with interior designer Ashley, from whom she separated after three years of marriage.

‘Ashley has been an exceptional father and will be so even though he has separated from his wife,’ a friend tells me.

Kata (left with Hicks) gave birth on Tuesday to their second child, left — and she made sure to give him the middle name Valentine. His full title will be Horatio Valentine Christopher Alessandro Hicks 

The smart set’s talking about… A Fiennes comeback for royal artist

Ralph and Joseph Fiennes are Hollywood stars, while Sir Ranulph was the first explorer to cross Antarctica completely on foot.

It is, however, their cousin Susannah Fiennes who will be drawing a distinguished crowd later this month.

She’s a talented artist who is to stage the first exhibition of her work for 14 years, at the Redfern Gallery in Mayfair.

‘I’m very excited,’ she tells me.

Ralph and Joseph Fiennes are Hollywood stars, while Sir Ranulph was the first explorer to cross Antarctica completely on foot

‘I have been exploring new themes in my work, away from commercial pressures. It will be lovely to be back.’

Susannah, who has been teaching London’s beau monde to draw naked models in Notting Hill, made her name as Prince Charles’s favourite painting companion.

She was the official Royal Tour Artist on the Prince’s visits to Oman, South America and Hong Kong in 1997, capturing scenes and people for posterity. 

‘It was a great honour,’ says Susannah, pictured with cousin Ralph. ‘The Prince is a remarkable patron.’ 

Although at home in palaces, her favourite painting spot is on the Golden Mile at Blackpool. 

‘Ten days produced two years’ worth of work — I loved the horizontals made by the sea and the promenade and the tramlines.’

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