Penis injection made from LIP FILLERS helps men last longer in bed

Penis injection made from LIP FILLERS could herald new treatment for premature ejaculation after it made men last three and a half times longer in the bedroom

  • Hyaluronic acid is commonly found in moisturisers, lip fillers and beauty creams 
  • It was injected into penises of respondents to a study on premature ejaculation
  • Subjects were in some cases able to last up to three-and-a-half times longer

Men were able to last over three times longer in bed after receiving an injection into the penis that decreases sensitivity. 

Hyaluronic acid – commonly found in moisturisers, lip fillers and beauty creams – was injected into 30 respondents. 

Two thirds of respondents all had moderate to severe premature ejaculation but after a round of jabs, were able to last three-and-a-half times longer. 

Respondents were able to last over three times longer in bed after the Hyaluronic acid jabs

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Many men struggle to last more than 30 seconds in bed – but after a month, subjects were in some cases able to last up to 120 seconds. 

Causes of premature ejaculation

Various psychological and physical factors can cause a man to suddenly experience premature ejaculation.

Common physical causes include:

prostate problems

thyroid problems – an overactive or underactive thyroid gland

using recreational drugs

Common psychological causes include:



relationship problems

anxiety about sexual performance (particularly at the start of a new relationship, or when a man has had previous problems with sexual performance)

It’s possible, but less common, for a man to have always experienced premature ejaculation since becoming sexually active. A number of possible causes for this are:

Conditioning – it’s possible that early sexual experiences can influence future sexual behaviour. For example, if a teenager conditions himself to ejaculate quickly to avoid being caught masturbating, it may later be difficult to break the habit.

A traumatic sexual experience from childhood – this can range from being caught masturbating to sexual abuse.

A strict upbringing and beliefs about sex.

Biological reasons – some men may find their penis is extra sensitive.

Hyaluronic acid works by softening tissue and thus decreases sensitivity in the penis and allows men to last longer. 

Hyaluronic acid has been FDA approved in the US to treat osteoarthritis, a knee ailment, via injecting it into the joint. 

Dr Mohamed Ragab, of Cairo University, said in the International Journal of Impotence Research: ‘Penis injection with the acid is safe and improves sexual satisfaction.’  

Men’s typical ejaculatory latency is approximately 4–8 minutes and it is not known exactly what causes premature ejaculation. 

There is little research to back up any theories on why it happens, but performance anxiety is a widely accepted reason. 

It is also thought that  premature ejaculation can be caused by psychological factors such as stress and relationship issues – or having been caught masturbating as a child.   

As well as sometimes being caused by relationship issues, premature ejaculation can sometimes, in turn, cause issues in a relationship. 

Prostate problems, thyroid problems – an overactive or underactive thyroid gland –  and using recreational drugs can also hinder ejaculation timings. 

Biological reasons as simple as a man having a sensitive penis also contribute.  

The NHS say that occasional episodes of premature ejaculation are common and aren’t a cause for concern. 

However, if you’re finding that around half of your attempts at sex result in premature ejaculation, it might help to get treatment, according to experts. 


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