Parents targeted with, ‘let the baby die signs’ about sick child gifted $33k donations – The Sun

WELL-WISHERS have come together to raise money for an infant stricken with two rare birth defects after 'let the baby die signs' polluted his hometown.

More than $33,000 has been raised on a GoFundMe page created for Randy James, a four-month-old boy born with an underdeveloped brain center and an “incredibly rare” genetic chromosome disease.

The amount raised for RJ's medicals bills has increased rapidly – as yesterday the total was only $4,000.

RJ's parents, KC and Angela Ahlers, were upset when they found insensitive signs put up next to RJ's fundraising posters around a mall in Toldeo, Ohio.

The hard-to-miss signs directed towards RJ read: “Stop asking for money. Let the baby die. It's called Darwinism. Happy Holidays."

KC told 13ABC: "I came out. I saw it. Immediately took the one down.”

“There were other ones that were up, but somebody, some other good Samaritans kicked them down.”

However, despite the inconsiderate signs, KC wants to combat hatred with love and "raise his son to not reciprocate hatred."

KC hopes the "disturbed" person who wrote this sign about his sick son will eventually seek help.

As for RJ'S birth defects, one of them is so rare that only 1,200 people in the world have it.

RJ's mother Angela took to GoFundMe in October to explain the rarity of Trisomy 9 Mosaic Syndrome – because those who have it either die before birth or before two-years-old.

The other rare diagnosis is called Agenesis of the Corpos Callosum, which affects how the brain develops.

Angela wrote: "Because of how rare this is he falls through a lot of the cracks with assistance from federal and local assistance programs.

"Our little boy RJ is our world please help this miracle baby beat the odds."

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