Our terrorism laws are inadequate and there’s a case for nailing returning jihadis with a life sentence under treason laws

A derisory percentage of British traitors who wage war against our troops, or support those who do, are convicted. Our terrorism laws are inadequate.

So Home Secretary Sajid Javid is right to consider a brand new Treason Act, as raised yesterday in the Lords.

One peer said anyone who, like Shamima Begum, justified the Manchester Arena massacre or who attacked our forces or civilians “betrayed this country, its people, its values and its laws”. That must carry a heavy penalty.

Jeremy Corbyn might want Begum flown home and supported — what else would we expect from the terrorists’ friend? Most people recoil at the idea.

But if it turns out we cannot keep this wicked teenager out she must face years in prison.

She eagerly supported ISIS as they committed unspeakable atrocities.

It would be appalling if she returned to London with near impunity.

Banana splitter

“THE minute we start ignoring the democratic will of the people we are slipping very quickly towards the kind of banana republic I don’t want to live in.”

The noble Brexit thoughts of Heidi Allen MP, with which we heartily agree.

She voiced them to reassure Tory ­voters 20 months before she flounced out of their party, swore to destroy it and joined a new Westminster group apparently dedicated solely to slipping us very quickly towards the kind of banana republic she doesn’t want to live in.

Meanwhile, her vindictive colleague Anna Soubry implies that Theresa May has a sinister fixation with immigration. And she is simply outraged that the PM ignored her sage advice to stay in all the major EU institutions we voted to leave.

So much for others being “extreme”.

But these are “moderate” views, as seen from inside the London Remoaner bubble.

Web of deceit

NEVER was social media’s toxic power to spread lies better exposed than by TV actor Jussie Smollett’s apparent mugging by white racists in Donald Trump hats.

The gay star’s tearful tale was championed without question online by frothing left-wing celebs, politicians and journalists across America. It was clinching proof of their caricature of Trump ­voters as ­violent, bigoted homophobes.

How many will apologise now, or think twice, as Smollett is charged with staging the assault using two paid helpers to raise his profile and secure a wage hike?

This dangerous compulsion to spread unchecked “facts” or blatant lies that fit a poster’s worldview is rife in the UK too.

We dislike Trump’s gripes about “fake news” discrediting him. But this could not have been better scripted to prove his point.

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