New dad, 21, reveals agony of spending 17 hours in cop cell after scorned woman falsely accused him of rape following romp in public toilet

Damon Osborne, then 18, was arrested following a “drunken fumble” with Sophie Skinner, 25, after the pair met on a night out in Abergavenny, Gwent.

They had sex in a loo but she falsely cried rape after he refused to become her boyfriend and was jailed for 18 months.

She had told him that she “can get you into trouble” when he said no to her offer after she made “persistent demands” for sex.

Damon’s girlfriend Jade Stimpson stood by him despite his betrayal and they have now welcome a baby boy into the world.


He has now opened up about his ordeal and said he believed a “moment of madness” was going to “ruin his life”.

Damon told MailOnline: “I was convinced the police wouldn't believe me and that my moment of madness was going to ruin my life.

“I don't know why I did it. I'd had a few drinks but it was totally out of character for me. To say I'm ashamed is an understatement.

“The thought of going to prison – especially for something I hadn't done – was absolutely terrifying. I was going to be labelled a rapist for the rest of my life.”

I don't know why I did it. I'd had a few drinks but it was totally out of character for me. To say I'm ashamed is an understatement.

He added that cops “pounced” on him and put him in handcuffs when he walked past the loos at 10pm that night.

Damon said that the place was “crawling with officers” and said his life was “crumbling” when they said they were holding him on suspicion of rape.

His girlfriend Jade, 22, was at home when she was woken up to say he had been arrested and she “burst out crying”.

He said he can’t thank her enough after she stood by him from the start and said he is forever “grateful”.

Some 10 days after his arrest he was contacted by detectives who said CCTV proved his story was right and that sex with Skinner was consensual.


Newport Crown Court heard she had been seen on CCTV hugging Mr Osborne in the street before asking him to the loo for sex.

In an emotional victim impact statement, he said: "Since being accused of rape my life has been a mess. It has been turned upside down.

“If there had not been CCTV she might have been believed and I would have served years in prison for a crime eve I did not commit.

“This would have destroyed my life.”

Sentencing, Judge Williams said: "Rape is a repulsive crime and victims of rape should be treated with ever possible consideration.

“On the other hand just because rape is a repulsive crime false allegations can have dreadful consequences.

“False allegations can cause an insidious effect on genuine claims, sometimes allowing doubt to creep in where none should exist.

“You have no victim empathy and you have no remorse at all.”

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