Mum multi-tasks in ‘true mother style’ as baby starts crying during dog rescue

This is the inspirational moment a mum breastfed her crying son while rescuing a pal’s missing puppy from under a car.

Sterling Corbin, 30, had finally found rescue dog Polly and was trying to coax her out when her baby boy, Keanu, began crying.

Determined not to let the puppy go, she decided to multi-task in "true mother style" – while lying on the ground beside the car.

With her right arm outstretched under the vehicle, Sterling started to breastfeed her 10-month-old, using her left arm to hold him.

And when it was all over, she says, everyone had "won".

"By the end of it, my son was full, the dog was returned to her owner and I got a vegan cheesecake," said the mother.

Sterling, from Guam, Western Pacific, had been trying to catch Polly after the dog escaped for hours from a sitter’s house.

She recalled: "My friend’s dog was at a sitter’s house and she escaped – she had been out for hours and everyone was looking for her.

"After I had spent an hour searching, I found her under the car on a stranger’s driveway, so ducked down to try to grab the dog.

"Whilst trying to coax the dog out, my son started to cry and I knew that he needed feeding, but I didn’t want to let the dog go."

Insistent on rescuing the puppy from under the car, she decided to breastfeed her son while continuing with the animal rescue.

"In true mother style, I decided to breastfeed my son whilst still rescuing the dog," said the stay-at-home mum.

She added that there were times when she thought about letting the dog go and breastfeeding her child in her car.

She said: "At first I felt quite silly and thought I could have just let go and gone and sat in my car and breastfed Keanu there.

"But I had a big support network around me who made sure I didn’t feel ridiculous for nursing and trying to catch this dog in a stranger’s driveway.

"I was afraid that if I let go of the dog we wouldn’t catch her again, and there was a storm rolling in.

"So when I knew my son was hungry – it was either let him keep screaming, or feed a hungry baby.

"It just sums up the life of an every day mother – you’re always having to think on your feet and do what is best for your child."

The incredible pictures have prompted parents on social media to reach out to Sterling.

Many have praised the animal advocate for her actions, saying they show the reality of being a parent.

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