Karen Matthews’ paedo lover’s victim says he should DIE for his crimes as Britain’s worst mum ‘dumps’ him – The Sun

THE victim of Karen Matthews' paedo lover says he should die for his crimes – after the notorious child abduction faker dumped him.

Matthews split with her sex beast fiancé after his dark past was revealed following his arrest.

Paul Saunders, 57, was previously convicted and jailed for five years for abusing a vulnerable girl.

He admitted to engaging in sexual activity with a child, making indecent images of a child, and two counts of sexual assault.

The Sun revealed Matthews and Paul met when he was doing repair work at the flat she was given at taxpayers’ expense.

Our exclusive pictures previously showed Matthews flashing her engagement ring while the pair were out shopping.

But the evil pair have split up just days after he gave her the rock when cops visited her flat, which is near to a school.

And Saunders' victim said she wants him "to die" after his evil crimes were uncovered.

She said: “I feel like dirt. He makes me sick. I want him to pay.

“He should die. I hate him. I just want to get on with my life knowing that he will never be around here ever again.”

A pal of Matthews told The Mirror Matthews "didn't have a clue" about Saunders' grim past and now has now given him his marching orders along with the ring and his clothes packed into bin bags.

The friend added: "She told me, ‘He’s not coming back.’ She thought she’d found love but it’s just another horror story.”

Saunders was arrested yesterday for breaching the terms of his release and remains under investigation.

The regulations are in place to let authorities track sex offenders and the arrest happened after The Sun’s splash today revealed he was with Matthews.


Matthews met her handyman fiancé when he did odd jobs at her home and he proposed over Christmas.

Pals described the pair as “inseparable”.

Matthews, jailed for faking daughter Shannon’s abduction, met Paul after moving to a secret home in the South of England following her release.

She has told him who she is but he seems unconcerned by her notorious past.

It is not known whether she knows about his convictions.

We previously revealed that Saunders is a convicted paedophile who was jailed for five years in 2010.

He had been working as a driver taking the elderly to hospital and disabled teenagers to college.

Back in January 2010, Oxford Crown Court heard his offences took place between 2006 and 2009, when his victim was aged between 15 and 17.

Saunders, of Blackbird Leys, Oxfordshire, was only caught after he was jailed for eight weeks for benefit fraud in May the previous year.

Photographs of the victim were found on his mobile phone.

He was jailed for five years and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

He should die. I hate him. I just want to get on with my life knowing that he will never be around here ever again.

After the case his victim’s mother said: “I went barmy, to say the least. I’m sickened and disgusted by it.”

She added she had known Saunders for several years and said: “He thought he was the big man and made people afraid of him.

“He was a bully who wouldn’t stand up to a bloke but would to a female and kids.”

A source told The Sun: “She is in love with him. Both of them have been walking round like teenagers.

“The ring is like Princess Diana’s design. She apparently bought it herself with money she saved.

“He knows who she is but he can’t be bothered about her past. He’s been staying over pretty often.

“I just think it’s disgusting that anyone could want to be in a relationship with her.”

Matthews’ daughter Shannon was discovered by police under a bed at the home of Michael Donovan — the uncle of her mum’s boyfriend.

Matthews and Donovan dreamt up the fake kidnap to try to claim a £50,000 reward for her daughter’s safe return.

The vile mum was released with a new ID in April 2012 after serving half her sentence.

When The Sun knocked on Matthews’ door to try to talk to her and Paul, he answered in a tracksuit.

He initially denied knowing her. But when shown a picture of them together, he raged: “It’s got nothing to do with anybody.

"I’m not saying nothing. It’s about time the press kept their noses out of other people’s business.

“If you come knocking on this door again I will forcibly remove you. If you put anything in the paper about me, I will sue you.”

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