HENRY DEEDES reflects on Theresa May’s difficult day in the desert

Mrs May’s dagger eyes flickered in exasperation: HENRY DEEDES on the PM’s difficult day in the desert

  • Facing reporters, Theresa May looked like a woman in need of a bit of protection
  • She spoke of ‘making progress’ but her crotchety manner showed it was not true
  • The PM appeared twitchy as she spoke in strained, squawk-like tones in desert

The Prime Minister was wearing steel toe-caps. Think butch Bond baddie Rosa Klebb’s poisoned-tipped pumps in From Russia With Love.

Perhaps she’d slipped them on to keep Jean-Claude Juncker in check. For the European Commission president has had an unnerving habit recently of putting his slimy paws all over her in public.

The doddery old lizard managed to behave himself yesterday but Theresa May had the good sense to meet him before lunch.

Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured during a press conference at the EU-League of Arab States Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt) looked like a woman in need of a bit of protection

Facing reporters in the desert, the PM certainly looked like a woman in need of a bit of protection.

She spoke of ‘constructive talks’ and ‘making progress’ but it was plain from her crotchety manner that nothing was further from the truth. After two trying days, they had clearly given her nada, niet, nichts, rien.

The PM appeared twitchy. She spoke in strained, squawk-like tones. Her skin is becoming of such a pallor that Farrow & Ball should consider naming a new colour after her. May Day Gray?

Moments before she appeared, European Council president Donald Tusk had already done his best to ridicule her at a separate news conference at the EU-League of Arab States Summit in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.

He spoke in favour of extending Article 50 – as if this was a generous offer of a stay of execution – describing it as the ‘rational solution’ to the UK leaving the EU without a deal. He added: ‘But Mrs May still believes she is able to avoid this scenario.’

Mrs May spoke of ‘constructive talks’ and ‘making progress’ but it was plain from her manner that nothing was further from the truth

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Dressed in one of his customary taut little suits, the Pole delivered that last line with his beady gaze fixed to the floor. There’s no doubt whatsoever he’s convinced Mrs May is on Death Row.

His manner was akin to a vet who feels insulted when his advice to put down a family’s beloved pet is wilfully ignored.

For her part, Mrs May was undoubtedly irritated by the man who told her predecessor, David Cameron, that it was ‘dangerous, even stupid’ to call the referendum. ‘Any delay is a delay,’ she insisted – not a soundbite that will make the Oxford Dictionary Of Political Quotations. Leaving on March 29, she argued ‘is within our grasp’.

Mrs May’s dagger eyes flickered from side-to-side in exasperation.

European Council president Donald Tusk (pictured) had already done his best to ridicule her at a separate news conference at the summit as he spoke in favour of extending Article 50

She’s rarely at her best at these foreign summits.

More questions on Brexit. Such as: would she sack any of her ministers who vote for a delay?

To this, she refused to engage.

After a quick question from an Egyptian reporter, our Sphinx-like PM sped from the room, her powder pink coat flailing behind her while a pair of dark-suited heavies struggled to keep up.

Doubtless she was keen to get the heck out of there pronto – and who could blame her?

Two days holed up in 28-degree temperatures with Messrs Tusk, Juncker et al would be more than enough for any of us.

Not that Mrs May can expect to find life much cooler back in Westminster. Not only because the Met Office predicts the hottest February temperatures on record in Britain over the next 24 hours.

She is facing an extraordinary mass revolt by ministers and last night it appeared she was preparing to rule out a No Deal Brexit.

Theresa May might want to keep wearing those bovver boots.

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