Held hostage, invited for a threesome and drunk customers weeing in the queue: our nightmare nights working in takeaways

And that's just for starters.

Kitchens covered in fat and grease, mouse infestations and non-existent standards of hygiene mean those that work there often need a strong stomach.

This week disgusting images emerged of mouse droppings and carcasses as well as rotting meat in the a Chinese fast-food restaurant in Wirral .

From delivering to stoned teenagers to getting an eyeful of a lesbian show, four former late-night restaurant staff reveal the most bizarre parts of their job.

'Two customers asked me for a threesome'

Then there was a regular weirdo that I delivered to every Saturday. The order would come in at 10.55pm every week.

I wasn’t allowed to knock on the door or ring the bell. I’d get instructions to let myself in the back gate and wave at him.

I'd open the window, I’d pass him his pizza and he’d give me a £5 tip for my trouble."

'The delivery boy was taken hostage'

He arrived at her home 15 minutes late, but instead of complaining to us she asked him to come inside. She then locked the door and took his phone off him. 

Then there were the pet owners who went to extremes. One vet advised a local to feed their dog chicken with plain rice while they recuperated from a procedure.

But the owner was not up for cooking it herself so every day for a week she’d come in and would pay us to prepare it.

'Drunks weed in the queue'

One of my regular jobs was cleaning up the vomit. Then there were those who wouldn’t make it to the loo. They’d urinate while in the queue. Some customers would fall asleep on the counter too.

Some random bloke even proposed to me once – he’d probably forgotten about it the next day. 

I didn’t like working the telephones for the orders. You’d get people phoning and complaining. They’d moan about the pizza not being the right temperature. It was always the same customers after a freebee.

'I was constantly chatted up by a half-naked regular' 

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