Groom named Thomas Cook whose wedding was axed after Thomas Cook collapse ‘happiest man alive’ as new ceremony is paid for by hotel – The Sun

A DEVASTATED couple who had their dream wedding scuppered by the collapse of travel firm Thomas Cook have been able to have their special day thanks to the generosity of a Greek hotel.

The Groom, 29, who shares the exact same name as the doomed travel company was able to marry his partner Amelia Binch, 27, today at the Lindon Princess Hotel, on the island of Rhodes, after they kindly offered to foot the £10,000 bill.

The pair, from Hucknall, Notts, flew out last week and were due to marry today at the four-star hotel but their plans were thrown into chaos when the firm announced it would cease trading on Monday.

The couple paid out £10,000 with the travel firm to plan their big day and to fly out family and friends but were left devastated and stranded on the Greek Island when they were told the ceremony may not go ahead.

However, when the hotel heard the news, they stepped in to save the couple's dream wedding and offered free champagne, organised flowers and even handled paperwork at the town hall where the ceremony was due to take place.

Staff at the hotel promised the couple a 'surpise' after seeing the groom, also named Thomas Cook, visibly upset when he heard that the company had gone bust.

The Thomas Cook package included the wedding ceremony, flowers, cake, decorations and entertainment but the hotel pulled out all the stops to ensure Thomas and Amelia had their special day after two years of planning.

Many guests were already in Rhodes when the news broke, with only the best man having to book an alternative flight, but the whole wedding party will be flown home on repatriation flights after the big day.

Giorgos Bakas, manager at the Lindon Princess hotel told Sun Online: "It’s all going ahead. The ceremony will take place at 5pm sharp.

"There will be a wedding.

"There were going to be 40 guests, initially, but some haven’t been able to make it in the chaos so there will be 34.

"We have taken on the paperwork and have been dealing with the town hall and are providing all the rest like the flowers and reception.

"He just looked so disappointed and we didn’t want him to leave like that.

"They [Thomas Cook] had said they'd provide free champagne ….we'll be doing that now.

"We are honoured that he has come to our hotel, our island and Greece."


The operator went bust in the early hours of Monday morning after failing to secure a last-ditch rescue deal, with all future flights and holidays cancelled.

As many as 9,000 Thomas Cook employees among 21,000 staff around the world have also lost their jobs – many who have bravely ploughed on today to help the holidaymakers affected.

The pair, who have two young daughters, Alice, five, and Lucy, seven, had flown out from East Midlands Airport with their parents and close family and were due to fly home on October 3 – but were told to be on standby as they could be called to the airport any day.

Mr Cook, who works for Rolls-Royce, told Nottinghamshire Live on Monday: "Thomas Cook promised us a surprise on our wedding because of my name but this was not the surprise we were expecting.

"I am just devastated. We have got more than 30 friends and family coming out, half are stuck at home in limbo. My best man is still in England. No one here knows anything.

"I have been planning this for two years and it has all gone to pot. We have paid for everything. It is shattering. We don't know what we can do. Thomas Cook staff have been good but they lost their jobs."

Miss Binch, a beauty therapist, added: "We are just so stressed out – we don't know if we are getting married or not. I had a collapsed lung before I came and I got the all-clear. It just seems like one thing after the other. We are ATOL protected but it is an absolute nightmare.

"We are just really anxious. We are being told we might be flying back to Manchester or London and we could be told we are to fly out today. They have said it could be any time."

The couple, who have been together for 12 years, decided to marry abroad because it was cheaper to marry in Rhodes than having a wedding in the UK.

They are not the only bride and groom to have had their plans floored by the sudden bust.

Laura Thorne, 32, and partner Lee Grant, 43, had 61 guests flying out to Cypus and had forked out £80,000 in total to Thomas Cook.

The couple, from Swindon, have been planning their wedding for two years but might now have to pull the plug on their big day.

Questions and answers

Q: I am still on holiday. Can I carry on and how do I get home?

A: Under the Civil Aviation Authority ATOL scheme all package hol customers can carry on and will be flown home as close to their original date as possible. See or call 0300 303 2800 (UK and Ireland) or +44 1753 330 330 (when abroad).

Q: What if my hotel wants cash?

A: Refuse. Hotels need to contact ATOL themselves. If you do have to pay, keep all receipts and you will be reimbursed under ATOL. You can also claim for expenses.

Q: What if I only bought flights?

A: Normally you do not get ATOL protection but the CAA says everyone will be brought home.

Q: I’ve booked but haven’t travelled yet. What happens to my holiday?

A: You are also covered and will get a refund, but it will take time.

Q: My booked hol does not include a flight. Am I still covered?

A: Not by ATOL. Advice on what to do at

Another wedding was disrupted when a party of 45 people found themselves stranded at Manchester Airport after their flight to Jamaica was cancelled this morning.

The biggest repatriation since World War Two began today to return the 150,000 stranded Brits flown home from 53 destinations in 17 countries.

It is expected to last two weeks and free flights will be offered to the majority of Thomas Cook’s 150,000 passengers currently abroad.

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