Girl, 5, dies after brain was starved of oxygen when she woke up with flu symptoms and her heart stopped – The Sun

A FIVE-year-old girl has died after waking up from a Christmas party with 'the flu' before she collapsed and suffered a lack of oxygen to the brain for 20 minutes.

In every parents' worst night nightmare, little Isla Wilkinson's heart stopped beating as her mother Alex Williams gave her CPR at their home in Plains Farm, Sunderland on Tuesday.

The schoolgirl woke up the day after playing at a Christmas party with a temperature and cough.

Her symptoms were so severe her mum Alex, a former St John’s Ambulance volunteer, was about to take her to hospital before she lost consciousness.

Paramedics arrived and managed to restart her heart before taking her to Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary where the family were given the heartbreaking news that Isla only had hours to live after her brain was starved of vital oxygen for 20 minutes.

It is not clear why the schoolgirl collapsed although her mum said she believed she had "flu or a bug."

The brave five-year-old battled until Friday after older brother and "best friend Aiden, nine, said goodbye.


Her shattered aunt Marcia Hogan-Williams has set up a GoFundMe page to raise cash for her funeral and the drive has already received a staggering £10,000 in donations.

She told Chronicle Live: “Aiden has been at the hospital and has said his last goodbye to his sister. She is his best friend, he does everything with her,” said Marcia, 39, as she choked back tears.

“He wants to have a big funeral for his sister. He would like a horse drawn carriage and everything pink because she is a little princess.

“He wants it to be special, all beautiful because she is a princess with her long blonde hair.”

Isla, who also has big sister Georgie, 22, was sedated to reduce pain and stress on her body but a scan revealed brain damage.

On the GoFundMe Page Marcia wrote: “With the heaviest of hearts, we’d like everyone to know our beautiful Isla left this world at 5pm this evening so peacefully and perfectly, in the arms of her parents.

"Alex painted her nails and plaited her hair ready for the biggest most special hug as the amazing nurses at RVI finally let her go.

"On behalf of my sister and all our family, we’re genuinely overwhelmed and so grateful for all of the donations and messages received.

"Please know the support since posting this page, at such a critical time, allowed us those final moments with her just that little bit less stressful. For that we are eternally grateful.

"From the bottom of our hearts, thank you."

The family said that any donations – which now stand at over £12,000 – will go towards Isla's funeral and the Sick Children’s Trust at the RVI Newcastle which cared for the child in her last days.

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