Family's horror after a finding massive python EATING their pet cat

The picture of the reptile after it had consumed the pet was shared by Brisbane Snake Catchers yesterday on Facebook.

The caption said: “An unfortunate situation for residents in Wishart today when they found a Large Carpet python consuming one of their two cats.

“The residents were sad for obvious reasons but realised it was only natural for the python to do so and agreed they need to keep a better eye on them and even better keep them indoors.

“This is another reason to be mindful of letting cats roam they can be subject to other animals as well.”

The online post added: “Large outdoor cat aviaries are also another great way to keep your pet safe and from hunting other native wildlife.”

The snake has now been removed and taken to a safe environment.

Commentators have piled in to air their views and not all have been sympathetic to the cat’s plight.

James Spice said: “Only good cats a dead one nice work snake.”

Colin King chipped in with: “I feel for the cats owners, but at the same time, that snake has saved countless innocent native lives.”

Amber Jade wrote: “Keep them kitties inside! I guess that python won’t need to eat again for… A month or so?”

Daniel Leishman added: “Hmm I’m not sure I could be so forgiving, I think I would have a new snake skin belt.”

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