Donald Trump will hear impeachment result live ON STAGE as he holds massive Michigan rally at exact same time as vote – The Sun

DONALD Trump will hear the impeachment result live on stage as he holds a massive Michigan rally at the exact same time as the vote.

The President is due to address fans in the 9,000-seater Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek at 7pm tonight – just as his colleagues try to boot him out of the White House.

Michigan is one of the Rust Belt states that swithched from Democrat to Republican in 2016 and helped Trump take the White House.

The House of Reps will debate Trump's impeachment for six hours after Democrats pushed through a "closed rule" – meaining the minority won't get to put forward any alternative proposals.

An Associated Press count found that the Democrats have enough votes to impeach the 45th President of the United States. But no President has ever been removed under its terms.


Trump yesterday fired off a six-page letter slamming Democrat Nancy Pelosi – who launched the probe – and her "vicious crusade" against him.

He wrote: "More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials."

Trump has been charged with two articles of impeachment that could see him ousted from office over claims he abused his power and obstructed Congress.

The President is facing accusations he abused his office by pressuring Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a telephone call to investigate the son of Joe Biden, his likely 2020 election rival.

He has been vehement in his denial of wrongdoing, tweeting hours ago: “Can you believe that I will be impeached today by the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, AND I DID NOTHING WRONG!

“A terrible Thing. Read the Transcripts. This should never happen to another President again. Say a PRAYER!”

This was followed up with another tweet, in which he said: “They just wanted to get at the President.

“They had no intention of having a proper investigation.

“They couldn’t find any crimes so they did a vague abuse of power and abuse of Congress, which every administration from the beginning has done.”

Yet another tweet followed soon after, where he said: “It’s sad. Here’s a gentleman who came to the White House and all they had was never to let him have an easy breath.

“All they wanted to do is impeach him. They started the day after he was elected, even the day after he was sworn in.”

The allegations against Trump stem from a July phone call between him and Zelensky.

A transcript of the call appeared to show Trump threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless an investigation was launched into claims of corruption against Hunter Biden.

Biden is the son of Joe Biden, the former US vice president and currently the front runner to be the Democratic nominee to face Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Hunter Biden previously served on the board of Burisma Holdings, the largest gas producer in Ukraine, while his father was overseeing anti-corruption work in the country on behalf of the US.

No evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hunter Biden has been produced.

What is impeachment and how does it work?

IMPEACHMENT is a formal charge of serious wrongdoing against a holder of public office in the United States.

It is one of the few ways a sitting president can be kicked out of the White House before an election.

The US Constitution states a president "shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanours".

The "sole power of impeachment" is held by the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Congress.

A simple majority is required – i.e. more than half of Representatives must vote to impeach the president.

Then the case would be tried by the Senate, the upper chamber of Congress, where a two-thirds majority is needed.

While the Senate is still controlled by the Republicans, with 53 of the 100 seats, the Democrats have control of the House of Representatives, with 235 of the 435 seats.

This means that it's possible for the House of Representatives to pass a vote to impeach the president.

However, a two-thirds majority of 67 Senators voting to impeach Trump would still be needed in the Senate when it is tried.

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