Did the Nazis fly to the Moon? The incredible top secret conversation that led Pentagon insider to barmy WWII theory

WHAT do you do when you become privy to shocking but truly incredulous information regarding Nazi military officials escaping to the Moon in 1945?

In my particular case, I put it in a box for almost three decades and never looked at it again. 

Then, about two years ago after repeated requests from my wife to clean out my old junk from our garage, I came upon it again – notes I had taken around 1990 when I was an official at the Pentagon.

It was at that time that I became aware of alleged remarks made in private by two then Generals from the Soviet Union as our nations were holding discussions to eliminate chemical weapons.

The remarks in question reported to have been made at a private dinner with the two Generals in which food and drink were abundant. 

As the evening wore on, each of the Generals said something truly staggering.

'Who was in those rockets?'

The first Soviet General was reported as saying: “If one day, the Soviet Union has to give up all of its nuclear warheads, we will lie and say we did, but keep five.” 

When asked why, the Soviet General replied with a deadly serious face: “If we found out that a comet was screaming toward earth and in three days’ time would kill every human being on the planet, we would still fire those five nuclear warheads into Germany the day before.”

Such was the hate the Russians still had at that time for what Nazi Germany did to them during World War II.

The remark by the other Soviet General was even more shocking.

That report being that as Russian troops closed in on Nazi Germany’s Top Secret Peenemunde Rocket base, one of the Russian Army’s forward observer teams reported seeing the flames of several large rockets – “multiple sizes larger than the V-2” – lift off from the base into the darkness and rain of that evening. 

The Soviet General then said: “To the best of our knowledge, those rockets never came back down anywhere on Earth.” 

He closed with: “To this day, I have always wondered who was in those rockets and how many?”

Secret notebook rediscovered

Soon after becoming privy to that conservation I went back to my office and made notes. Notes I had absolutely no idea what to do with.

The remarks from the first Soviet General being a hypothetical “What-if” revenge fantasy. 

The reported remarks from the second General being so fantastical and incredulous that there was really nothing anyone could do with them unless they wanted to end their government career instantaneously. 

As I truly enjoyed my job at the time, I put the notebook in the bottom of one of my desk drawers. 

When I left the Pentagon in early 1993, the notebook was transferred to a box, which subsequently moved from one home to the next until two years ago when I opened it to look through it before discarding the contents in the trash. 

It was then that I came upon the long forgotten notebook.

During the time I made those notes in 1990 and then afterwards, I had worked space-related issues for the White House, the Pentagon, the United Space Alliance, and NASA.

As I sat on a suitcase in my garage in 2018 re-reading my old notes, it occurred to me that there was now a new race back to the Moon starting.

A race between the People’s Republic of China, Russia, and the United States.

As I looked at the notes, I kept thinking:  “As crazy as it sounds…What if?”

What if a military contingent from Nazi Germany did reach the Moon in 1945?  How would they have gotten there with the technology back then? 

How would they survive upon landing?

Nazis thriving on the Moon?

Initially, simply to amuse myself, I began to reach out to experts in the space and military arenas and ask them my questions. 

They in turn got a bit fired-up and began coming up with plausible scenarios on how such an incredible feat could have been pulled off. 

And then, how that representation of the Nazi military might not only survive on the Moon, but thrive.

All of a sudden, the conversations folded-in: a direct ascent – 36 hour – launch to the Moon; a landing at the South Pole; the discovery of water, oxygen, and Helium 3. 

And even the cannibalization of each and every spacecraft ever landed upon the lunar surface by the Russians, the United States, and the Chinese.

Then, the fun and obvious questions for us became:  “What would they look like decades later?”; “How advanced would they be?”; “What would be an accurate population estimate based on the number who landed in 1945 until now?”; “Could they truly have remained hidden and unseen all this time?”; “Could they – now decades later – represent a threat to Earth?”

Finally, after months of those conversations and speculation and after months of research into the top-secret rocket programme of Nazi Germany and the scientific and supernatural goals of Hitler and his Third Reich, I decided to turn it all into a book.

A book titled: The Dawn of a Nazi Moon: Book One.

A book which – as the United States, Russia, and China do race back to the Moon – asks, and answers, “What if?”

Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the novel:  The Dawn of a Nazi Moon: Book One.

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