De Blasio hints New Yorkers may face subway bag checks after death of Iran general

Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday that New Yorkers may face more subway bag checks and car stops on bridges and tunnels as officials up security in the aftermath of the deadly US airstrike on the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force.

“What we have to assume based on previous knowledge is that the Iranians will have interest on prominent targets — well-known American locations, so we will obviously keep special watch over those,” Hizzoner said during a City Hall press conference with NYPD brass.

De Blasio laid out the security plan with NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea and Deputy Commissioner John Miller hours after US missiles struck and killed a top Iranian military commander, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, at the Baghdad airport.

“We also know that deterrence is achieved by being unpredictable, so if we think bag checks are necessary we will do bag checks — whatever it is going to take,” Hizzoner added. “We are always going to respect people’s rights and liberties, but the best way to deal with an adversary like this is to keep them off guard and to move our assets aptly and change our strategies as needed.”

City officials also tried to tamp down fears of possible reprisal attacks, telling reporters that the city is not currently facing any imminent terror threats.

And, they added, that the likeliest targets for Iranian retaliation would likely be overseas. Still, they called on New Yorkers to report any suspicious activity to authorities.

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