Dad of missing Leah Croucher, 19, begs 'it's time to tell your secret' after losing two children in nine months

THE distraught dad of missing teenager Leah Croucher has begged someone to reveal their secret about her disappearance after losing two children in nine months.

John Croucher, 45, believes somebody is withholding information about what cause his 19-year-daughter to vanish while walking to work on February 15 last year.

She has not been seen since despite a huge police search and her dad issued a desperate appeal in a heartbreaking New Year's message.

He wrote: “Please help us to end our pain and suffering.

“Help us to find out what happened to our daughter. We miss her so much it's unbearable.”

In November, the day after the nine month anniversary of his sister’s death, her 24-year-old brother Haydon was found dead.

Their dad, from Milton Keynes, has said he was almost “jealous of him” not having to go another day without finding Leah’s fate.

John has now revealed a new phrase “Two. We’ve lost two now” is driving the family insane.

And on New Year’s Eve he penned a heartbreaking message, which he says he wrote with “tears rolling down my face”.


He said: “We started 2019 with three beautiful children and a world of hope at our feet.

“In February our youngest, Leah disappeared from the face of the earth.

“Our world fell apart. We tried to stay strong. Stay hopeful. It was impossible.”

He explained the mixed emotions of finding out body parts police recovered did not belong to Leah.

John added: “The horrible worry that these random body parts may be all we get back of our beautiful daughter.

“The relief when told it's not her. The pain at realising we've had all that horror and are still no closer to an answer.”

John then revealed the torment of learning what happened to his son, Haydon.

He said: “In November watching as your son's internal organs slowly stop working and you have to take the decision to turn off that magic machinery which is keeping him here with us.

We still have to beg you. Please help us to end our pain and suffering. Help us to find out what happened to our daughter.

“So many medications being pumped into him. None of it working.

“Justifying it to yourself with the thoughts we have been clinging to his shell.”

He added: “Begging him at the last minute to change his mind and come back to us. Knowing it was pointless.

“Knowing he didn't want to face another day of not knowing Leah's fate. Jealous of him almost.”

John says he, his wife Claire, and eldest child Jade have a new phrase driving them insane.


John explained: “Time is not making our pain easier to bear. Watching our oldest and now only child suffer.

“Thinking of how we will now not have weddings to attend or grandchildren to babysit and enjoy.


“Christmas has gone. It was bleak. Desolate. Lonely. Quiet. No decorations. No presents. No special dinner.”

As well as cancelling Christmas, the family did not celebrate New Year’s Eve.

He wrote: “The phrase Happy New Year feels hollow on our lips.

“Tomorrow we will lock ourselves away for the day, as we did over Christmas.

“Forgive us for being rude but we just don't feel able to pretend at the minute. We are tired and broken.”

John ended the New Year’s message with a plea.

He said: “The year ends as it quickly began for us. We still have to beg you… Please help us to end our pain and suffering.

“Help us to find out what happened to our daughter. We miss her so much it's unbearable.”

Leah was last seen by her family on Quantock Crescent, Emerson Valley, in Milton Keynes at around 10pm on February 14. She was reported missing the next day.

A confirmed sighting of Leah was reported the next day in Buzzacott Lane, Furzton, Bucks, just after 8.15am.

Anyone with information about Leah can contact Thames Valley Police on 101, quoting the reference 43190049929.


EVERY 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost to suicide.

It doesn't discriminate, touching the lives of people in every corner of society – from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and footballers.

It's the biggest killer of people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car crashes.

And men are three times more likely to take their own life than women.

Yet it's rarely spoken of, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly rampage unless we all stop and take notice, now.

That is why The Sun launched the You're Not Alone campaign.

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Let's all vow to ask for help when we need it, and listen out for others… You're Not Alone.

If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support:

  • CALM,, 0800 585 858
  • Heads Together,
  • Mind,, 0300 123 3393
  • Papyrus,, 0800 068 41 41
  • Samaritans,, 116 123

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