Dad charged over horror death of girl, 8, who was beaten, starved and banned from drinking – The Sun

A DAD, his girlfriend and her sister charged over the death of a girl, 8, who was beaten, starved, banned from drinking water and forced to sleep on the floor.

Marty Browning, his partner Julie Dawn Titchenell and Sherie Titchenell were jailed after Raylee JoLynn Browning went into cardiac arrest.

The little girl was covered in bruises, burns, lacerations and other injuries when she was taken to hospital on December 26 2018.

According to staff, it was Sherie Titchenell who carried her, without emotion, into the hospital and told medical staff the child wasn't breathing.

Cops from Oak Hill Police Station, in West Virginia, were called once doctors saw the extent of the child's injuries.

Raylee JoLynn had been repeatedly hospitalised over the years with various injuries, and teachers repeatedly alerted Nicholas County social workers about her apparent abuse.

News outlets reported that it wasn't clear, nearly a year after Raylee's death, how exactly social workers handled these abuse reports.

S Titchenell, first told police that Raylee got sick that Christmas day and had suffered a nose bleed related to prescribed medications then, she said fell while getting out of the shower and was shaking while her lips turned white.

The accounts of all three adults contradicted each other, further raising suspicions, according to Sgt. James Pack.

J Titchenell, who was a Oak Leaf Festival pageant queen, has three children, now in foster care.


But they lived at home during the tragic time, one girl among them shared horrific descriptions of the abuse Raylee suffered.

The girl said her aunt S Titchenell was their main caretaker and often withheld food from Raylee, even ordering her to not eat at school.

Raylee was so hungry that she begged cafeteria workers for extra food, the complaint says.

The girl told authorities that the adults beat Raylee with metal objects, belts and spoons and forced her to undergo torturous punishments, such as being barred from drinking water for three days.

She said: "I caught her drinking from the toilet a few times, and I feel that she got that infection from that water.

"I told her that the water was dirty, but I guess she was just so thirsty."

A medical examiner's report said infection leading to sepsis likely killed her.

A doctor said Raylee may also have been subjected to medical abuse, she was on seven medications at the time of her death, many of them used to treat severe autism and mood disorders.

Each adult said Raylee had a history of self-mutilation, starting when she was 2 years old.

The girl told authorities that the adults in the home made her to lie to social workers, and that she did so because she was scared.

She said she and Raylee were taken out of school and homeschooled when S Titchenell could think of no more lies for them to tell, police said.

It's unclear if any of the adults have lawyers who can comment on their behalf.

The evil trio have been charged with the death of a child by a parent or guardian, and child neglect causing death. Their bonds were set at $100,000 each.

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