Cyprus ‘serial killer’ detectives find woman’s body in suitcase in toxic lake

Police searching for the victims of Cyprus first ever 'serial killer' have found the remains of a woman at the bottom of a lake.

The grisly discovery marked the fourth body found by cops looking for people killed by Nicos Metaxas.

The Greek-Cypriot army officers has already confessed to killing seven women and girls.

The 35-year-old had told detectives that three of his victims had been dumped in suitcases in the toxic red lake near capital Nicosia.

Officers say the body, which is being tested to discover its identity, was in a bad state of decomposition.

Metaxas, who is now helping officers find the bodies, was arrested last week after officers found a body of a woman in a mineshaft.

Marry Rose Tiburcio, 38, had been missing, along with her six-year-old daughter, since May last year.

Police say the Greek army officer met at least two of his victims on dating websites.

Another body was said to have been dumped in a well near an army firing range.

Police in Cyprus also believe Metaxas strangled one of the victims after having sex with her.

Metaxas is said to have also killed Romanian mother Livia Florentina Bunea, 36, and her eight-year-old daughter Elena Natalia, who went missing in 2016.

Arian Palanas Lozano, 28, is thought to have been another victim.

President Nicos Anastasiades  said on Friday the "murders that appear to have selectively targeted foreign women who are in our country to work."

He added: "Such instincts are contrary to our culture's traditions and values."

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