City Council bill would require chains to post warnings for sugary foods

Fast-food fans are going to have to slow down to read all the warning labels on the menu if legislation introduced Wednesday in the City Council becomes law.

A bill authored by Councilmember Mark Levin would require chain restaurants to post warning notices next to each food item that contains more than 12 grams of added sugar.

That’s in addition to the postings already on the books for high sodium content and calorie counts.

“No city has done this yet, but New York is backsliding in the fight against obesity and diabetes, and helping people improve their diet is key to getting those trends moving in the right direction,” said Levine (D-Manhattan), who chairs the council’s Health Committee.

He added that consumers would be shocked to know the added sugar content of certain fast foods, including the 40 grams — about 10 teaspoons — in a Wendy’s Apple Pecan Chicken Salad.

He said a McDonald’s Fruit and Maple Oatmeal has 33 grams of sugar — about 8 teaspoons — the same as a small BBQ Hawaiian Pizza from Domino’s.

“The public needs to have that information, because you don’t think you’re getting dessert amounts of sugar in these foods,” said Levine. “We want people to know exactly what they’re eating.”

Reps for a state coalition of restaurants that has complained about being inundated with nanny-like edicts under Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Mayor Mike Bloomberg said another red alert will only contribute to consumer confusion.

“If the goal of this legislation is to further educate the general public about the dangers of certain sugars, then further sign requirements is not the answer,” said Kevin Dugan, government affairs director for the New York State Restaurant Association.

“Adding graphics to an already-crowded menu board only makes it more difficult to understand the information that is trying to be conveyed.”

Council Speaker Corey Johnson wouldn’t say whether he backs the legislation but noted that “traditionally, I have supported measures along these lines.”

He added, “We need to do things to disincentivize unhealthy choices.”

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