Celebrities post holiday pictures from paradise while Brits stay home

We’re having the quaran-time of our lives! Celebrities including Amanda Holden and Coleen Rooney post pictures from paradise after jetting off to exotic locations… while holiday hopes are dashed for ordinary Britons

  • Britons headed to Spain and other destinations for their holidays now face a 14 day quarantine on their return 
  • Celebrities including John Terry, Nicole Scherzinger and Rita Ora have set off for Europe despite the risks
  • Amanda Holden visited Piers Morgan in Saint-Tropez, France, while Coleen Rooney was spotted in Barbados 

As August arrives, any remaining hopes people had of a summer holiday abroad are all but dashed. 

Those visiting Spain must now quarantine for 14 days upon their return and other European destinations seem likely to be added to the list. 

As far as ordinary people are concerned, it just isn’t worth the risk. But when it comes to celebrities, it’s a different story. 

While Brits settle in for a staycation, the rich and famous have been jetting off to exotic locations to sail on their yachts and sunbathe at their plush villas. 

Here, CLAUDIA CONNELL looks at how the other half holidays and imagines the smug postcards they might send to the little people back home . . . 

Make life easy — hire a private jet 

Hola! No way were we not spending summer in our villa in the Algarve. 

Can’t believe people are cancelling their holidays on Government advice. Guys, it’s so easy if you know what to do. First, charter a private jet.

Prices have come right down, ours was only 20 grand return. It’s like easyJet but with loads of leg room, big seats and Bolly on tap.

John and Toni Terry were one of many groups of celebrities to post pictures of their exotic holidays while the ret of Britain have seen their holiday hopes dashed

The couple jetted off to the Algarve in Portugal in a private plane before switching to a private helicopter which air dropped them to their villa

We posed for a few cheeky pics (in between John ogling the flight attendant). Then we transferred to a private chopper that air-dropped us right next to our villa. 

Ours is on the Quinta do Lago estate. Loads of celebs have places here. 

Would be lovely to bump into Ant and Dec, and John really wants to see Holly Willoughby, he’s a huge admirer of her talents. 

He also wants to get into bird watching — that’s why he brought binoculars.

I’m gonna top up my tan and John is going to catch up on his texting.

Former Chelsea and England footballer John and his wife Toni took a private helicopter to a villa in Quinta do Lago in Portugal

Having lots of fun uploading my bikini pics

Greetings! Wow, can’t believe I’ve been in Portugal for a month now with my beau Thom Evans.

I sure love those English sporting guys, although it’s a drag having to pretend to enjoy rugby.

We’ve been visiting vineyards, having alfresco lunches, going horseback riding and just goofing around on the beach like two crazy teenagers in love.

Pop star Nicole Sherzinger has been on holiday with her beau rugby player Thom Evans in Portugal. The couple have been visiting vineyards, having alfresco lunches, going horseback riding

Mostly though I’ve been uploading pictures of me in a thong bikini alongside inspirational quotes I get from Google.

Love it here, think I might stay another month.

Can’t remember what wearing normal clothes feels like. #blessed #gratitude.

I never drop names, but . . .

Hello fans, I’m normally on TV at this time of year, wearing a dress slashed down to my navel on Britain’s Got Talent.

But the show is postponed so I’m sunning myself in Saint-Tropez. A holiday for me — and Ofcom, too — as they won’t have to field all those complaints!

Joan Collins is here looking gorgeous, my husband Chris and I had lunch with Piers Morgan and we’ve been hanging out with ex-Formula One driver David Coulthard.

Amanda Holden and her husband Chris have been having lunch with Piers Morgan and hanging out with ex-Formula One driver David Coulthard in Saint-Tropez, France

Not that I’m one to name drop.

Couldn’t help but post a few piccies of me in my bikini on my Instagram. A bod this hot shouldn’t be hidden away!


Just 10 suitcases of designer gear

Hello yous lot! You know how I love me holidays, me. I’d normally be on me seventh by now, but it’s great to finally get away to Barbados. 

Did you see the pics of us at the airport? Ten suitcases! What am I like? But you know me and me designer clobber.

Thing is, we normally go to Barbs at Christmas and nobody told us it was the rainy season in July! 

Colleen and former England and Manchester United footballer Wayne Rooney flew away to Barbados with ten suitcases, staying at a £25,000-a-week villa

We’re getting soaked while you lot are baking in the sun at home. Our villa is lush. Cost 25 grand a week! That’s nearly as much as our excess baggage charges.

Hope you’re all safe and enjoyed hearing our news — if that R. Vardy hasn’t told you all first! Ta-ra for now.

We are simply far too cool for Ibiza

Hey all you little peeps! Now I know you’re thinking: ‘You spent most of lockdown in a bikini in the Cotswolds, now you’re in one in Spain.’ You got me!

The Cotswold locals were furious about me renting a mansion during lockdown with my London mates, so I needed to get away — country people are so uptight. 

I’m in Formentera which you’ve probably never even heard of. It’s a tiny little island in the Balearics where people like me go when we’re too cool for Ibiza. Loads of pop stars hang out here.

Pop star Rita Ora is holidaying in Formentera, a tiny little island in the Balearics where people like her go when we’re too cool for Ibiza

The singer is on holiday with her new boyfriend video director Romain Gavras and has posted pictures of herself in a bikini on Instagram

It’s my first holiday with my new boyfriend Romain Gavras, a video director. We’ve mostly been messing around on our boat with a group of friends.

Paarrrty! Heading home soon, not sure where I’ll do my quarantine. Maybe back in the ’wolds. Whatever happens, I definitely want to remain with Romain.

Love my new bod — take that Mr Bond

Hey all, this comes to you from Lake Como. Have you seen the pictures of me online? Dad bod? More like Greek God! Those workouts have paid off eh?

We’re here to celebrate the missus’s 50th and what a rip-off this place is. A fiver for an ice cream! Eight quid for a sandwich! A tenner for a pint!

Now I understand why George Clooney is selling up. It’s not even a tax haven (I should know). I’ve had a great time zipping around in a speedboat. Forget Bond, the name’s Barlow — Gary Barlow.

Take That star Gary Barlow has shown off his ripped physique on holiday in Lake Como, Italy, with his wife Dawn Andrews and children Daniel, Emily and Daisy 

My tip: Don’t go cycling in heels!

Hey guys! The Beckham brood are here in Puglia along with Nicola, my future daughter-in-law. We all love her and she looks stunning in Victoria Beckham clothes, which I hope she wears all the time from now on.

After four months in the Cotswolds, I so needed a bit of Med glam. We’re staying at the Borgo Egnazia Hotel. It’s five star (obvs) and the restaurant has a Michelin star. 

David and I went for a long bike ride which proved tricky — my stilettos kept slipping off the pedals, I’ll try flats next time. Got some brilliant pictures to show you when we get back.

They’re a bit out of focus though — Brooklyn took them. Ciao Bella!

Victoria Beckham and her family went to Puglia, Italy, for their holidays, staying in the Borgo Egnazia Hotel. It’s five star (obvs) and the restaurant has a Michelin star

Wish you were here, Wagatha!

What a year! I think we can all agree that nobody deserves a holiday more than me. I’ve cried a river since Coleen made those horrible allegations about me last October. (Did you catch me on Loose Women?)

But no more, I’ve ruined too many fake tans and false eyelashes because of her.

Football season is over and Jamie has whisked us all off to Ibiza. 

Rebekah Vardy and her husband Leicester and former England footballer Jamie Vardy went on holiday to Ibiza, Spain, after the Premier League season finsihed

We’re having a great time splashing around with the kids in the sea, drinking cocktails at the beach bar and then having date nights in the evening — although I keep hearing people whispering ‘Wagatha Christie’ wherever I go.

I booked Ibiza because I thought we were going there on an air bridge. How was I meant to know it wasn’t a real bridge? 

Now we’ve got to quarantine for a fortnight when we get home. Oh well, que sera sera as they say in Spain. (That’s Spanish right?)

Must dash, so much to plug!

Mwah-mwah, everyone, it’s my first holiday as a new mummy and I’m back in my swimsuit even though I only gave birth eight weeks ago. 

Baby Sienna, Hugo and I are in Santorini but — seriously — I haven’t stopped working since I got here.

I’ve been taking endless selfies for my page. I’ve had to plug: the holiday resort, the baby carrier Sienna is in, the pram, my holiday wardrobe, Sienna’s holiday wardrobe. 

Honestly, sometimes I think it might be easier to just pay for stuff like everyone else. As if!

Missing you. Must dash, Sienna needs walking in her £1,000 state-of-the-art pram, available from all leading retailers.

Millie Mackintosh is on her first holiday since becoming a mother in Santorini and is back in a swimsuit even though she only gave birth eight weeks ago

A simple life – only one onboard chef 

Hi, all you poor little staycationers. I feel like I’ve been on holiday forever but it’s only been about two months. Daddy lent me the yacht and we sailed around the Med with daughter Sophia for most of June and July.

My sis Petra joined me in Croatia with her fiance (we like him a lot better than the other guy) and their new baby. We wanted to keep things simple so mostly we got the onboard chef to cook for us, but now and then we took a speedboat ashore to eat and hit the boutiques.

We’re now in Switzerland, where I’m spending time with my new baby brother Ace. Can’t believe Dad’s nearly 90 with a newborn! He sleeps a lot though (Dad, that is).

Would you mind checking on the house? We always seem to get burgled when I go on holiday. £50 million worth of bling nicked last time. Do a drive-by. There’s a darling.

Tamara Ecclestone sailed around the Mediterranean with her daughter Sophie in July and was joined by sister Petra in Croatia 

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