Boy, 14, raped two girls after being set up on dates by his dad – The Sun

A BOY of 14 raped two girls after being set up on dates by his dad, a court heard.

The lad shared a cannabis joint with a girl of 14 and then tried to initiate sexual contact, it was said.

She told him to stop but he carried on and eventually raped her.

Her mother later discovered a letter written by her daughter which revealed the attack and she alerted police.

On another occasion the boy raped a girl of 12 at his own home, Carlisle crown court heard.

The boy, who can’t be identified for legal reasons, admitted one rape and sex assault and was convicted of two rapes and one sex assault after a trial.

He was given five years and eight months’ detention with an extended five-year licence period.


Denise Fitzpatrick, defending, said of the boy: "Far from him searching out a victim, it was his father who arranged with the mother of one girl and the cousin of the other for him to go on a date with them.

"I submit that fact is highly relevant to the issue of dangerousness. I submit, therefore, there is not a significant risk of serious harm."

But the court was told of the trauma suffered by both girls due to his attacks in March and April last year.

The mother of one spoke of their family "tearing itself apart" because of the way her daughter had changed since the incident.

The other girl described her emotions being "all over the place".

Ms Fitzpatrick added: "He realises now how serious these offences were. He said he is sorry for what he did."

Judge David Potter said: “I would be failing in my duty to the public if I did not impose an immediate custodial sentence."

The boy, from Blackburn, Lancs, must sign the sex offenders' register for life and was made subject to the terms of a sexual harm prevention order for ten years.

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