Boris Johnson plots brutal 'Valentines Day massacre' reshuffle after Brexit

BORIS Johnson is plotting a brutal reshuffle of up to a THIRD of his top team after his huge election win.

After the PM finally delivers Brexit and gets Britain out of the EU on January 31, he's expected to dramatically change his Cabinet to prepare for trade talks with the EU to start.

But for the next few days he'll be relaxing in Mustique with girlfriend Carrie Symonds, as the pair jet off for a well-deserved break after the gruelling campaign.

Some of the big names who could get the chop include Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom and Attorney General Geoffrey Cox.

One source told the Daily Mail he was not a team player, saying: "It's all very well being able to recite Keats but the Government needs to come together if we're going to deliver on this election."

Northern Ireland Secretary Julian Smith could also get booted out, and the future of Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffee is uncertain.

The reshuffle is being subbed the Valentines Day massacre as it's set to be a complete clear out of the Cabinet.

Boris will need to move Steve Barclay, the Brexit Secretary, after January 31 as the Department is set to close after we leave the EU.

The PM could change the role into one in charge of trade talks with the EU, however.

Among those being tipped for promotion include Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Rishi Sunak, who performed well in election debates during the campaign.

Boris conducted a mini-reshuffle after his huge win earlier this month in the general election, to fill some holes in the Cabinet.

Nicky Morgan stepped down as an MP but will stay as Culture Secretary after being made a peer.

Zac Goldsmith, who lost his seat to the Lib Dems, was also given a gong so he can stay on a environment minister.

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