BC Hydro working to restore power to final 100 Gulf Island properties

BC Hydro says it’s in the home stretch when it comes to restoring power to customers affected by Dec. 20’s powerful windstorm.

According to the utility, power has now been restored to more than 700,000 customers.

Crews are now working to get the lights back on for the last 100 customers located on the Southern Gulf Islands.

“Due to the extensive damage on many of the southern Gulf Islands, BC Hydro will have all customers restored by Dec. 31 – and possibly as soon as [Dec. 30],” said BC Hydro in a Sunday update.

“Many of the southern Gulf Islands were the hardest hit areas, and the storm damaged hundreds of power lines, poles, cross-arms and transformers, and left roads completely covered by trees and vegetation.”

Over the weekend, BC Hydro shifted crews from Vancouver Island to the Gulf Islands, and more than 80 crews were at work on Sunday.

According to a timetable the utility released on Saturday, it said it aimed to have power back on for the final customers on Salt Spring on Sunday, and for residents of Parker Island on Monday.

You can see current BC Hydro outages here.

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