Australia bushfires death toll increases with military called in to help

The death toll from the devastating bushfires in Australia has reached 15.

The deadly bushfires have now destroyed an area bigger than Japan and the military has been called in to help fight the flames which show no sign of being brought under control.

Twelve people have now lost their lives in fire-related deaths across Australia since blazes broke out a few months ago, including three volunteer firefighters, after a three-year drought in large parts of the nation created tinder-dry conditions.

The flames have been fanned by soaring temperatures with columns of fire and smoke blackening entire towns on Monday and Tuesday.

Thousands of residents and holidaymakers were forced to seek shelter on beaches. Many stood in shallow water to escape the flames.

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New blazes are sparked almost daily by extremely hot and windy conditions and, most recently, dry lightning strikes created by the fires

There are still more than 100 blazes in New South Wales (NSW) state alone and thousands of firefighters on the ground.

The body of a man was found in a burnt car early on Wednesday on the south coast of New South Wales after emergency workers began reaching the most damaged areas, and police said the death toll will rise.

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"Sadly, we can report today that police have confirmed a further three deaths as a result of the fires on the South
Coast," NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys told reporters in Sydney.

"Police are also at Lake Conjola now, where a house has been destroyed by fire and the occupant of that home is still
unaccounted for."

NSW police did not identify the missing man but said he was 72 years old and authorities have been unable to reach his home.

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Police said early assessments have found nearly 200 homes have been destroyed, though they cautioned it was an early estimate.

In Victoria state, four people remain missing, state Premier Daniel Andrews said, after a massive blaze ripped through Gippsland – a rural region about 500 km (310 miles) east of Melbourne.

About 4,000 people in the town of Mallacoota in Victoria headed to the waterfront after the main road was cut off.

Mark Tregellas, a resident of Mallacoota who spent the night on a boat ramp, said only a late shift in the wind direction
spared lives.

"The fire just continued to grow and then the black started to descend. I couldn't see the hand in front in my face, and it then it started to glow red and we knew the fire was coming," Mr Tregellas told Reuters.

"Ash started to fall from the air and then the embers started to come down.

"At that point, people started to bring their kids and families into the water. Thankfully, the wind changed and the fire moved away."

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