America’s oldest man dies aged 112 after a lifetime of ‘minding my own business’ – The Sun

A 112-year-old, believed to be America's oldest man has died in his bed at a Chicago nursing home.

CP Crawford, who was born in 1907 in Mississippi, said the secret to longevity was "minding your own business".

The life-long White Sox fan, CP only attended his first baseball game on his 112th birthday in August.

His son, Shawn Doston, announced the death of his father on Facebook, calling him "one of the greatest men whom God has put on this earth".

Speaking to Chicago Sun-Times, CP's proud son said: "He was calm, cool and collected. He was a hard worker and was always very respectful of his family and my mother."

He added: "People would always ask him what the secret was to his longevity, and he would say first put God before anything, eat right and mind your own business."

CP moved into the Tri-State Village nursing home eight years ago and was a very popular resident.

People would always ask him what the secret was to his longevity, and he would say first put God before anything, eat right and mind your own business.

Sheila Huff, the village's activities director told NWI Times that he had been alert and awake until the last fortnight when his health began to decline.

Speaking of his death, she said: "He was sleeping in bed. We're saddened to see him go, but know he had a long and happy life."

She said the 112-year-old enjoyed a quiet, regular routine and he cared about everybody who lived and worked in the home.

"If his cereal didn't have enough sugar, he would let you know,' Ms Huff said.

She added: "If his food needed more salt, he'd let you know."

Staff would ask him: "What's up CP?" and he would always answer: "Nothing but the rent."


One staffer would kiss him on the forehead and he would say how glad he was to get a kiss from a pretty lady.

The oldest American is said to be Alelia Murphy, who is 114 and lives in Harlem.

The study of the DNA of 'supercentenarians' – those older than 110 – has revealed they have different white blood cells to the rest of us.

To celebrate his long life, the last two US presidents sent him letters, congratulating him on reaching a ripe old age.

Thornton Fractional South High School also bestowed an honorary degree on Crawford in 2015, when he was 108 years old.

Crawford, who was the youngest of six children, was especially thrilled to receive the high school diploma because he hadn't been allowed to attend school when he was younger, Ms Huff said.

Crawford's mother died when he was a young boy, and he had ended up working in cotton fields before going to Chicago, where he worked on the Illinois Central Railroad.

Ms Huff said: "It meant everything to him. He got to wear a cap and gown, and students were there for the ceremony.

"They even gave him a plaque. He was very grateful."

The nursing home has put up a memorial with the plaque, photos, letters of congratulations from the White House, and other personal items to mark CP's passing.

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