Julie Graham admits she ‘wasn’t looking for love’ when toyboy husband swept her off her feet while filming Benidorm – The Sun

JULIE Graham admits she "wasn't looking for love" when she met her toyboy husband while filming Benidorm.

The 54-year-old actress tied the knot with skydiving instructor Davy Croket, 38, last October in Brighton, but said marriage was never in her plans.

She told the Mirror: "Marriage wasn’t important to me but it was important to him, and I just think that if it is important to one person you should make it important to you.

"It was a really nice thing to do, to stand up in front of people and say, ‘We’re making a commitment to each other.’"

The mum-of-two was concentrating on her children a year on from their dad's suicide when she crossed paths with Davy.

"I wasn’t looking for it [love], that’s for sure," she explained. "I was not open to it at all. My priorities were very much my kids and work – and Davy just happened to be there. It was just good timing, for once in my life!"

Just days ago Julie branded the couple's 16-year age gap "irrelevant" during an interview on Lorraine.

She said: "It's irrelevant, completely and utterly irrelevant, we don't even discuss it."

Julie, who plays the character of Ravio in Doctor Who, described the moment Davy proposed – which didn't quite go according to plan.

She explained: "He wrote 'will you marry me?' on the beach in pebbles with the girls, and forgot there was a tide!"

As she and Lorraine burst out laughing, Julie explained how only a few pebbles remained after the rest had been washed away.

However, she said it didn't matter, adding it was the thought he put into the gesture that mattered most.

The star has two daughters – Edie, 16, and 14-year-old Cyd – and revealed how Davy won the key to her heart after he asked her children for their blessing before proposing.

Julie said: "I couldn't have a marriage without their permission and Davy asked them, he didn't ask me.

"When we were on holiday in Lanzarote and he took the girls aside and said 'I'm gonna ask your mum to marry me, but I'm not going to do it unless I have your blessing'."

The Moving On star revealed she and the girls come as a "total package" and she wouldn't have got married if they didn't give their blessing.

Julie tied the knot with Davy in October last year, four years after first husband Joseph Bennett killed himself.

They were surrounded by close friends and family at the bash in Brighton.

She previously gushed about Davy to The Sun after unexpectedly finding love with him, saying: "He’s just lovely, gorgeous and he makes me happy."

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