GMB’s Ranvir Singh snaps during heated clash as guest brands women ‘lazy’
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Good Morning Britain presenter Ranvir Singh hit back at a guest speaker on the show after they made an unsavoury comment about women during labour.
The guest stars debated whether or not women should be wearing makeup during labour after a new TikTok trend showed more women "dolling up" in between contractions.
Naomi Isted, who was in favour of women wearing makeup as they give birth, explained that she "enjoys making an effort" with how she looks everyday.
As the debate became heated, Naomi hit back at the opposition who claimed the birthing experience to be dangerous overall.
She then said: "It's easy to be a lazy person and lower your standards…"
The comment fired Ranvir up, who gasped and quickly cut her off, saying: "Who are you calling lazy?"
"No I'm just saying some people don't want to make an effort," Naomi retorted.
"Sorry?! You're saying if you don't put makeup on during birth you're lazy?" Ranvir pressed.
"No not at all!" Naomi said, taking back her initial statement. "I'm saying that in life if you don't want to make an effort then that's your choice."
"I make an effort with everything I do!" she added.
Elsewhere in the debate Naomi admitted that she grew "bored" during her lengthy labour, and "topped up her makeup" throughout.
"I topped up my makeup, I was in labour for 38 hours and I was completely bored so I was doing my makeup, reading," she continued.
"That's impressive," Ranvir quipped, changing her tune. "That's amazing to have even had the thought."
"For women it's such a life changing experience," Naomi explained. "So why wouldn't we help our mental health by being the best version of ourselves."
Naomi also got a fake tan done before the big day which she admitted "stained" her son's head when she started to breastfeed.
However, the opposing guest star pleaded with Naomi not to apply pressure on young mums.
"Please don't push a narrative that puts pressure on young mums and make them feel like they need to be the best version of themselves through labour," they urged.
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- Good Morning Britain
- Ranvir Singh
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