Emmerdale fans ‘work out’ Charles Anderson ‘exit’ as he struggles with guilt

Emmerdale: Charles airs his concerns to Manpreet about Alex

Emmerdale fans think they have “worked out” what might be next for Charles Anderson (played by Kevin Mathurin) after Victor Anderson’s (Eddie Osei) sudden death.

Many fans think Charles will make an exit from the ITV soap after blaming himself for Victor’s death.

Victor died following a row with his family on Tuesday after telling them he was dying.

Charles dismissed his estranged father’s claims about his poor health and on Wednesday admitted to planting a necklace on his father to make it seem like he’d been stealing.

Shortly after the row that ensued, Victor was found dead and now Charles is wracked with guilt.

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Taking to social media, fans started to predict Charles would soon leave the village over the incident.

Twitter user @OrvilleLloyd penned: “#Emmerdale Charles is going to go down a dark path now. Charles has demons he has hidden for a long time. He is going to feel tremendous guilt.”

@itzzzo_ suggested: “Could always move away Charles #Emmerdale.”

“Too late for ‘what have I done’ …Charles, you stupid man… #emmerdale,” @teenamassam (sic).

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@Winis_World added: “Oh Charles, you’ve really messed things up #Emmerdale.”

@MeeshyJay shared: “Big mistake Charles. Now watch the s*** hit the pan when Claudette finds out. She’ll kick you out of your own house #Emmerdale.”

@pam_debeauvoir posted: “Oh dear me. The guilt of hiding the necklace in his dad’s pocket is weighing heavily on Charles’s mind #Emmerdale.”

Could Charles really be kicked out of his house if the truth comes out?

He confided in partner Manpreet Sharma (Rebecca Sarker), who was left furious about Charles’ betrayal towards his dad.

She encouraged him to tell Claudette the truth but Charles was worried about the possible consequences.

However, his immense guilt might soon get the better of him and the truth will inevitably come out.

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Emmerdale continues on Thursday at 7pm on ITV.

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