The Charles Oakley-Knicks goal that came out of Steve Stoute’s disastrous interview

At least Knicks branding consultant Steve Stoute did some good on his infamous ESPN appearance on Tuesday.

Stoute confirmed a Post report from Jan. 26 that his intention is to get Charles Oakley back to the Garden and end his feud with James Dolan.

“Charles Oakley is a very dear friend of mine,” Stoute said during his controversial appearance. “I‘ve known Charles since I was 21 years old. I didn’t like what happened, what took place. I wish it could be different. I got a job now. My job today is to fix up and clean up some of the things of the past that were wrong.”

Stoute, the entertainment mogul, was referring to a 2017 incident in which security tossed him out of the Garden and arrested him.

“As a New York fan, as a friend of Charles Oakley, as somebody a part of the Knicks organization, of course I would love to see that subsided and bring that back’” Stoute said. “Charles Oakley is a very big part of New York. He’s a fabric of what the New York Knicks have stood for many years – that toughness, resourcefulness, by-any-means-necessary attitude.”

Oakley went on the New York Post’s Knicks podcast in October, offering hope of a reconciliation.

“We’ll have to wait and see. We still got some things that still need to be worked out,” Oakley said on “Big Apple Buckets.” “I’m always willing to work stuff out, because I’m that type of guy. But I don’t know if the door is open. Sometimes the door’s open doesn’t mean you can come in. I’ll have to wait and see.”

Stoute’s appearance on ESPN ultimately did not go well when he unintentionally fired interim coach Mike Miller by saying a new coaching staff will be brought in to develop their young players into superstars. The Knicks released a statement of rebuke, saying Stoute does not speak for basketball operations.

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