Opinion: Russell Westbrook-James Harden pairing probably won’t work, but Rockets had no other choice but to try

It says something about the state of professional basketball when two All-NBA point guards get traded for each other and it only registers fourth among the balance-of-power shifting transactions that have taken place in the last month alone.

Mostly, it says that the NBA has changed from a league where you need three superstars to win a title to a league dominated by power couples. And it says that the Houston Rockets, who a few weeks ago seemed to be contractually handcuffed to a point guard in decline alongside James Harden, were desperate to find a way out.

The Rockets sent a boatload of future draft assets to Oklahoma City on Thursday to swap the bad contract of Chris Paul for the less-bad contract of Russell Westbrook, throwing a different look at a Western Conference that seems to be wide open.

From a basketball standpoint, pairing a ball-dominant guard in Harden with a ball-dominant guard in Westbrook doesn’t make a lot of sense on the surface. From a chemistry standpoint, it would seem to hold the potential for disaster. And yet, what other choice did the Rockets have?

In a sense, this trade fits both the ethos of general manager Daryl Morey, who has relentlessly chased superstars with little regard for their personality fit, and an owner in Tilman Fertitta whose promises of major change for the Rockets after last season’s second-round playoff meltdown made a lot more sense when you remember that his first big foray into sports came as a blustery college football booster at the University of Houston.

Russell Westbrook and James Harden are reuniting in Houston. (Photo: Troy Taormina, USA TODAY Sports)

With Harden’s window still wide open at age 29, this was the time to go for it. This was the time to dump the 34-year old Paul off on someone else before 2021 and 2022 when he’ll make a combined $85.5 million as his physical decline accelerates. This was the time to use whatever assets the Rockets had to add a second superstar whose prime lined up more closely with Harden’s.

But ultimately, we still have this major question about Houston: Does swapping Paul for Westbrook solve the Rockets' fundamental problem?

Beyond the bet on pure talent, of which Westbrook has plenty, Houston is doubling down on the idea that two guards who primarily create shots for themselves will be better than one.

Given reasonable health, Houston is a lock to win 50 games, even in the rugged West where there won’t be many gimme putts. But it’s undeniable at this point that they have a playoff problem with Harden, whose shooting percentages have dipped from between 44% and 45% in each of the last four regular seasons to 41% in each of the last four postseasons.

When so much of Houston’s offense relies on Harden to score one-on-one, make ridiculous stepback jumpers and draw fouls, it seems obvious he’s being forced to do too much.

The issue going forward, however, is whether Westbrook helps solve that problem or makes it worse. Because we’ve already seen one iteration of a team where Westbrook routinely took a sledgehammer to the hierarchy of who was supposed to do what when the stakes were highest, and it wasn’t particularly flattering to him in Oklahoma City.

If Westbrook didn’t defer enough to Kevin Durant in the big moments, why would we expect he’ll do it with Harden? If Westbrook wasn’t particularly efficient in playoff games for Oklahoma City — his career 3-point percentage in the postseason is 30.2% — why would we expect it will change now?

Though reports have indicated that Westbrook pushed to be traded to Houston and that he and Harden wanted to reunite, they are in much different places now than they were as younger players with the Thunder.

Both of them have won league MVP awards. Both of them have spent the last few years as the clear-cut alpha dog of their teams having to share very little of the credit or blame. Both of them have been empowered to take whatever shot they wanted.

Can Houston still be Harden’s team if he doesn’t have the ball in his hands for the majority of nearly every possession? Can Westbrook be as effective if he’s playing off the ball while knowing he won't get it back? Will two stars with tunnel vision to score be able to coexist peacefully when their desires overlap?

The answer is probably not. But for Houston, which clearly felt it wasn’t going anywhere with a diminished, banged-up Paul, there was no other choice but to try.

Follow Dan Wolken on Twitter @DanWolken.

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