Josina Anderson and ESPN could be headed toward a breakup

While reporter Josina Anderson scored an exclusive interview with Antonio Brown about his future for Super Bowl Sunday, there are questions about what is next for Anderson with ESPN, The Post has learned.

With Anderson’s contract up this summer, she and ESPN could be headed for a breakup, according to sources. Though nothing is done yet, it would be unsurprising if the two sides agree to part ways with Anderson moving on to a new job.

On Sunday, Anderson earned the Brown interview and she did something with it, which is not always the case in these setups.

Often when subjects choose to do a TV interview they go for someone they either have a good professional relationship or they perceive as a softballer. So landing one of these spots is not always a compliment.

In the clips “NFL Countdown” showed of the one-hour interview, Anderson asked some tough questions. Examples included:

* Do you think you owe any of the women that you ever got into a conflict with an apology?

* Do you feel like you share too much on social media?

* Some people speculate that Vontaze Burfict’s hit adversely impacted your behavior. Is that true?

* Some people when they talk about you they say, ‘Antonio Brown needs mental help.’ Or ‘he shows signs of needing mental help,’ do you need mental help?

* Do you feel you have CTE?

Anderson kept it real, asking Brown challenging questions. The use of “some people” can be a cop out to not take responsibility, but, in this case, it was fine.

She asked what most people were thinking. Brown didn’t seem to think anything was that off.

Even after the Brown interview, it is uncertain if Anderson will remain with ESPN or move on to another job.

Pregame notes: On Fox, Alex Rodriguez did a nice quick feature with Dan Marino. A-Rod grew up in Miami idolizing Marino. When Rodriguez mentioned some of Marino’s top moments, he sounded genuine. It was good stuff.

In the next segment, A-Rod recounted advice he supposedly gave to the son of Texas Rangers teammate, Patrick Mahomes. He allegedly told the then 6-year-old Mahomes that the money is in baseball, not football. It is really hard to imagine that Rodriguez would remember what he said — if anything — to Mahomes nearly two decades ago.

McVay Memory: Sean McVay might eventually fall into the same category as Mike Tomlin as current coaches who TV always has its eyes on. Tomlin is the top of nearly every executives’ list if he were ever to walk away from coaching. He just has a certain way to communicate in the studio that executives think would click. None other than Al Michaels mentioned Tomlin as someone who could be really good, as well.

On Sunday, McVay worked with ESPN and he did that trick where he recalls random plays from the Rams’ season. Going on the theory that it was all on the up and up — I believe it was — it was freaky how he could recall the details of these sequences. We would have to see more before saying McVay could be something special on TV, but the ability to communicate such detail is impressive.

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