Woman who started Revoke Article 50 Brexit petition ‘receives death threats’

The woman who started the Revoke Article 50 Brexit petition – which this morning reached four million signatures – said she has received death threats.

Margaret Georgiadou, whose name appears on the call for Britain to remain in the EU, said she had three telephone calls from people threatening to kill her.

In a tweet she wrote: "Who wants Brexit so much they are prepared to kill for it?"

With the government in chaos and hundreds of thousands set to demonstrate calling for a public vote, Theresa May is facing opposition from within her own cabinet.

Ms Georgiadou wrote on Twitter : "Hi – am the person responsible for the Revoke Art 50 petition. Just needed to tell you that 1. am currently visiting Cyprus. and 2. last night I had three telephoned death threats. (!) Who wants Brexit so much that they are prepared to kill for it?"

Under EU law, the UK has to ask 27 EU leaders for extensions but can decide to revoke Brexit unilaterally if it revokes.

"The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'.

"We need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support now, for remaining in the EU," the petition said.

It has now become the most popular to be submitted to the Parliament website with over 4,150,000 million signatures.

The Revoke Article 50 petition on Saturday leapt ahead of a 2016 petition calling for a second EU referendum, as thousands of demonstrators are due to march on Westminster calling for a People’s Vote.

It has had the highest rate of sign-ups on record, according to Parliament’s official Petitions Committee, adding over two million signatures in 24 hours.

The petition took the top spot from another proposal which called for a second EU referendum should the winning vote and turnout not reach a certain threshold.

An online petition urging the Government to cancel Brexit has become the most popular to be submitted to the Parliament website with over 4,150,000 million signatures.

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