Woman dates BOTH of her exes after threesome convinces them to try polyamory

A woman is in a relationship with both of her exes.

Ali Jones, who works as a tattoo artist in South Africa, found herself in a “tug of war” between the two men.

After she enjoyed a threesome with the pair of them, the trio decided to give polyamory a go.

They now function has a family unit and are happily in love with one another.

Ali, 29, had a baby girl from a previous relationship when she met Damien Grundy in 2013.

She fell head over heels for the 30-year-old man as he was a good father figure to her daughter.

After they tied the knot in 2013, the pair welcomed their son Tziyon-Moon into the world.

But sadly, the pressure of motherhood proved to be too much for the young mum and the couple later split.

She admitted: “Closer towards the end of 2016 our relationship started to suffer, for the most part because I was unhappy with myself, still trying to find my path due to the after-effects of having my first child so young, I was a mum at nineteen.”

Shortly after splitting from her husband, Ali met Matty Ruchton.

The 26-year-old entrepreneur swept her off her feet and they enjoyed a whirlwind romance.

When Damian found out his ex had moved on, he felt heartbroken.

The Cape Town-based woman remembered: “The way he made me feel and act was different to what Damian gave me.

“We also fell in love extremely quickly, he was exactly what I needed in my life.

“He also took on my kids as his own and loved them instantly.

“Obviously at first Damian wasn’t happy and was hurt that I had moved on so quickly.”

Ali felt torn between the two men, which led to her ending her relationship with Matty after two years.

Taking some time out from her turbulent love life, she decided to travel to Europe.

During this time, both of her exes became close friends.

The tattooist explained: “I decided to go to Europe to kickstart my career and make some money.

“During that time Damian and Matty became extremely close, bonding over experiences and sharing and healing, I suppose.

“They had even apparently made a joke about the three of us being together.

“They became the truest, best friends, so similar and so different, equally such beautiful souls.”

When Ali returned home, the trio decided to make their “jokes” a reality.

Sparks flew as they enjoyed a sexual encounter and they decided to give a three-way relationship a go.

The polyamorous woman explained: “When I came back three months later the three of us decided to have an evening of catching up.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think this night would change all our lives.

“We had some drinks, spoke about and shared our stories and experiences over the past few months, we each gained a lot of perspective, understanding, appreciation and healing that night.

“The day went on and we all started joking about a threesome – joking, joking, joking – until no one knew if we were joking anymore and then it happened, the most profound sharing of all our lives.

“It was so completely natural, like we had always just been that way.

“A complete sharing of the most rare and beautiful unconditional love.”

Ali added: “We are in a closed polyamorous relationship between the three of us – which means that there are more than two people in our relationship, but it is not ‘open’ to sharing intimately or emotionally with other people outside of our triad.

“We all just balance each other out really well.

“We all add such different things to each other’s lives, so what I get from Damian I may not get from Matty and vice versa…

“Polyamory is not about being sexually promiscuous.

“Though we share with each other sexually it is based on connection and the ultimate unconditional love…

“Loving more than one person does not make the love you feel for one any less, as when you have a second child, your love multiplies.

“People will always judge, no matter what you do or who you are.

“We are happy, our children are happy. We love each other. Need there anything more?”

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