Will Tyler Henry Make a Believer Out of The Bachelor's Chris Harrison on Hollywood Medium? on Hollywood Medium

Chris Harrison, do you accept this rose reading?

In this clip from Thursday’s season premiere of Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry, the longtime Bachelor host meets with Tyler Henry, despite having “never done anything like this.” Hilariously, Tyler struggles to recognize Chris—which makes the latter believe the medium has his “work cut out for him.”

Even though it appears the famed TV personality has some doubts about Henry’s abilities, he’s eager to meet with the famed clairvoyant for the sake of “good TV.”

“While I’m excited, there is this certain sense of like, ‘What am I doing? Why would I agree to do this?'” Harrison quips to the camera. “Frankly, I’m a producer. I love TV, Tyler’s good TV and there’s that curiosity there of like, ‘How does he do it?'”

Nonetheless, it doesn’t take long for Tyler to connect with someone on Chris’ behalf. While holding a personal item belonging to the deceased, Tyler is able to surmise that he’s talking to a male “contemporary” whose life was cut short.

“Hmmm, point A to point B,” Tyler notes during the reading. “Anytime they reference to like point A to point B, it usually references to someone traveling.”

Little to Tyler’s knowledge, Chris brought an item associated with sportscaster Bill Teegins, who died in the Oklahoma State Cowboys basketball team plane crash in 2001.

“It just feels really tragic,” the medium expresses. “It’s just kind of this feeling like, ‘Wow! Had I know that was our last interaction, I would’ve done X, Y and Z.’ It’s that kind of feeling.”

This information resonates deeply with Chris. In fact, the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? host reveals Bill was “the ultimate contemporary in my life, he was my mentor.”

Watch Tyler impress Chris for yourself in the clip above!

Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry returns Thursday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m., only on E!

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