"We urgently need to ban plastics that cannot be recycled"

Millions of plastic pots, tubs and trays we diligently put in recycling bins are secretly being incinerated.

Fifty local authorities admit they are burning “low-grade” packaging made from ­polyethylene (PET) as it’s so brittle it needs to be sent to specialist recycling facilities.

The problem is we don’t have any.

Until last year, China received two-thirds of it, then it shut up shop. Other countries receiving our waste have also imposed restrictions, leaving us to deal with it.

So instead of being turned into products, it is burned to generate electricity.

There is a logic to turning waste that can’t be recycled into energy rather than being sent to landfill. But only as the last resort.

The 36 incinerators we have in England produce the same amount of toxic particulates each year as 250,000 lorries – contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

I try my best to reuse packaging but when I do recycle, I want to know my efforts have not been betrayed by it all being shoved into a furnace.

England is on the brink of burning more rubbish that it recycles.

While rates of domestic waste recycling have stalled since 2013, incineration has tripled between 2010/11 and 2016/17, although this is not due to a reluctance to recycle, or to do our bit for the environment.

There is a huge gap between the best and worst local authorities. But this doesn’t mean people in Westminster or Birmingham, or any other area with poor recycling rates, can’t be bothered. The system just isn’t working.

To find a way out of this pollution crisis we must ­radically reduce how much is produced in the first place.

We need to ban plastics that can’t be recycled and businesses should set up proper systems for those that local authorities find most difficult.

But in order to be able to stop burning rubbish and dumping it on vulnerable communities abroad, we must also get rid of our ludicrously complex and chaotic recycling system of over 150 different schemes.

With bewildering collection systems of multicoloured boxes, bins and bags, it is perhaps not surprising recycling rates have flatlined.

A nationally consistent system would mean every household in the country recycling the same items, helped by a set of easily recycled materials.

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