Variety Wins Best Website and Entertainment Journalist of the Year at SoCal Journalism Awards

Variety picked up nine prizes at the Los Angeles Press Club’s SoCal Journalism Awards Sunday at the Biltmore Hotel, including entertainment journalist of the year for chief film critic Owen Gleiberman and best website, traditional news organization, for

Gleiberman also won for his memorial tribute “Burt Reynolds: A Movie Star Who Refused to Take Stardom Seriously” and for entertainment commentary for “How Michael Moore Lost His Audience.”

Chris Willman won in the category of reviews of theater and performing arts for his music reviews. Variety and Rolling Stone’s joint American Injustice special report won the award for Activism Journalism, while chief TV critic Daniel D’Addario won in Political Commentary for “The Kavanaugh Hearings Were Pitched at One Viewer — Trump.”

Jenelle Riley won the prize for radio/podcast personality interview over 20 minutes for “Stagecraft Special Edition: Tom Hiddleston Talks Shakespeare, ‘Avengers.’”

In the art and photo categories, creative director Robert Festino and photo director Jennifer Dorn won for cover art for the Power of Women Lena Waithe cover.

Also at the awards, Brie Bryant and Jesse Daniels, the producers of Lifetime Television’s “Surviving R. Kelly” got a standing ovation after accepting the Presidents Award on behalf of the producing team. Bryant thanked the “fearless” journalists, reporters and members of the media who have been covering the Kelly story for many years.

Henry Winkler won the Public Service award for contributions to civic life, with his “Barry” co-star Bill Hader presenting the honor. “You are absolutely important,” Winkler told the room of journalists.

CBS2 Sports Anchor Jim Hill was honored with the Joseph M. Quinn Award for Lifetime Achievement, with Magic Johnson bestowing the award on the longtime broadcaster. The Daniel Pearl award for courage and integrity in journalism went to CNN senior international correspondent Nima Elbagir.

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